ps Honeytar...enjoy!
pps the pictures are not in any particular order.
Hyde Park in Spring

A well trodden path
In bloom

Whatever they're called, they're lovely ...from a distance!

Too, too near for me!! Aaaatchooooo!

Love this one!
Where are the durckkkkS??

The Graceful one!

A nut all to myself!

Flowers for Diana on Charles & Camilla's Day (who they???)

One smoking dog and a very thirsty one

Elves in Elfin Oak - carved in 1911

Tea anyone?

By the pond

A lovely day out for all
i actually sneezed watching the photos. Can i blame you, please?
i am new here, a friend recommended your blogspot for updates on Cik Siti. I am now hooked, but not for siti-reasons.
uh-oh, another sneeze coming!
tertanggal hidung!
Kak Teh,
The pictures of the ducks reminded me of a lil girl from Kansas who visited Hyde Park 20++ years back. Remember how she was so impressed with the DURRRCKS??
geram betoi tengok gambaq-gambaq ni
kak teh, u dok kena hay feverlagi ke???? get well sooon!!!
Nak pi London..
Nak pi Londonnnn..
I've started taking my antihistamine tablets. If not, I've to stay indoors whenever the sun is out.
...I can feel my everystep
as I walk down the road
picturing in my mind
ohhh...what a beautiful...beautiful day!
(wiping my tears)
I miss London!
Kak Teh, thank you so much for making my dream alive! even for a moment. ;-)
ps: hope you're feeling much better now.
pss: I love all the pix esp. the one above the swan. :)
Nak ikut kampo pi London, boleh Kampo? Dulu pi sat je. Ni jeles bukan main ni nak kena pi cari photo Statford-Upon-Avon lah camni nak tayang kat Kak Teh
kak teh - get well soon - u memang need the rest after our cik siti went back. i love spring- and tulips esp - that's why during my student days even tak dak duwit pun, sanggup pi kuekenhof just for the tulips!
Kakteh you are so nice and so cruel! Nice coz you posted the pictures *sigh* its always so lovely in spring. Cruel coz now I miss London and Hyde Park. *sigh* Don't forget your antihistamines :) I am pretty sure at this time of the year Boots will have their 3 for the price of 2 for antihistamines.
What gorgeous photos, Kak Teh. Thanks for sharing! To echo Po, nak gi London, nak gi London!! :)
Get well soon ya!
kak teh..
i dapat enjoy your story and pics ajer lahh... tak pernah sampai sana lagi. come to think of it, the most 'international' pun is singapore. hahaha... huwaaaaaaaa...
to quote the above.. nak pi london.. nak pi london... jugaaaaa....
tak dapat pi london..dapat tengok photos pun..jadiklaaaaaaaaa
ooohhhhh..... baru i tau, kalau pi london kena sneeze kan kak teh??? :)
Pengumuman: Lawatan Rasmi YB Atenah Abdullah.
(hallo mana corsage bunga for the lapel?)
p/s: i take alavert, after 30 min ok, no more watery eyes & sneezing
Brings back memories. Sneezing and all. Yesterday, saw these beautiful purple flowers, dunno what they were,wanginya bukan main. picked a bunch and came home, could hardly open my eyes. bengkak habis. Dunno what allergy.Took benadryl and slept for a while...woke up ok.
elves kat pokok tu....cute!
thank you all for visiting. Am still at a stage where there's this irritating itch in the nostril, the same with the eyes...have sneezed and sneezed but still in control. Bila dah macam pancur nantti barulah kena stock up kleenex! AND>..I have a voice job tomorrow - pls pray I dont sound sengau!
These pics are like beauty drops for our eyes. We need them now and then.
*sob* your pictures makes us (me and hubby) missed "kampung london" lah!! Uwaaaa....not that it's my kampung but hubby memang rasa torture tengok all your photos.*grin* Kampung dia almost 7 years!!
Kak Teh, I'm linking your blog to my site. Can yah!! :)
*sighs* Last time I was in Hyde Park in spring was as a little 7 year old, and BOY was it wonderful. Looking at these pictures brought back so many fond memories of London. I really would like to go and visit again, Insya'Allah. Kak Teh, your pictures may be simple, but they REALLY tug at the heart strings!! Gonna forward link to this particular post to hubs for him to see, ok?
ahhh rindunya
Dah sampai London.....errr...dalam mimpi je....
Auntie Yan.
a peaceful day indeed... and gambar bunga putih tu cantik.. :)
Hi there kak Teh, Just found your blog. LOVE reading your posts and luv the pix. Looks like a beautiful spring. I miss LOndon ..
Hi there kak Teh, Just found your blog. LOVE reading your posts and luv the pix. Looks like a beautiful spring. I miss LOndon ..
on one of my short trip to london, i actually remembered to bring my running gear and run around hyde park...but i didn't see so many ppl around...weekday kot.
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