Menyusun jari meminta ampun,
mengundurkan diri Kak Teh memohon,
tugas mendesak hari dah singkat
akan kembali bila dah tamat.
Dear all,
As much as I'd like to stay on and merapu, I really need this intermission to finish some urgent work. Have fun, wish me luck and I will resurface once in a while for some fresh air.
Thank you all for making a very blur Mak Cik happy!
Thank you for the wishes and doa's and thank you to my fellow researchers.
My wonderful fellow researchers


Urgh. Those notes and books don't look like much fun to me.. and I know you'd much rather be here blogging! : ) Good luck, finish up quick and we look forward to your next entry!
oh oh....tebalnya buku kak teh. Takuutt tengok. Sure am gonna miss your entries! I wish you all the very best! Mesti boleh punya! Kak Teh sure boleh! InsyaAllah...
all the best... just keep the alleycats cd for a while, put away your camera, refrain from browsing, put lots of cat food in their pots, lock the door...
and it'll be done in no time. :)
Alamk as usual I can't see the pictures. But anyways good luck!! Finish them quickly so we can read your entries once again :)
Lots of doa :)
Kak Teh, YOU CAN DO IT! Would love to read the end result one day. By the way, I would pay up to $25 for it in book form, but no more (it's not the money, it's the principle). :) Take care for now, ok?
Good Luck, and when you have your head almost berasap, please open the blog OK, hehehehe
All the best, I am sure you can do it.
Gonna miss ur blog! But neverthrless will always setia menunggu. Take care n all the best, c u soon with ur new stories.
I'll wait for your return, Kak Teh. Take care and have fun with those notes and books of yours. Will definitely miss ya! 8)
owh ooo..dat means hiatus for 3weeks or so. still, u'll b popping in i guess kan. once in a while let the hair down.
fresh from completing mine few months back, i undrstnd the 'need' to prioritised. u'll enjoy yrself nvrtheless still.
all the best! n take care. c ya around.
p/s:good 'chance' to lose weight too. talkin from pengalaman. =P
Hi Kak Teh,
YOU'RE ARE NOT ALONE! I am still struggling with my dissertation as well. I have reached 4,000 words but not even half way through my argument. Takut. Anyway, I still owe you 5.90 for the tape. When r u coming to uni? We can meet up for lunch some time next week? Oklah, Kak Teh, good luck with your work and see you at the end of the tunnel!!!
Good luck Kak Teh, and I really hope to see you again soon..
kak teh,
intermission 15 mins je.
Good luck and all the best!
Berjuta Batu ~ Alleycats
Berjuta batu jauhnya
Akanku tinggalkan cinta dan rindu
Padamu kasih
Aku berjanji
Akan tetap setia selalu
Berjuta batu jauhnya
Akan kutinggalkan dirimu
Lautan akan kulintasi
Demi suatu pengorbanan
Bunga-bunga berguguran di sinar bulan
Akan kubawa untukmu segalanya
Taburkanlah bunga di pusaraku
Andai tiada kupulang
Cintamu tetapku kenangi
Walaupun hingga akhir nanti
~kak Teh, nyanyi sampai AG pulang.Good Luck on your studies.
all the best, kak teh!! don't forget to emerge once in while...
Kak Teh
lepas ni lega..ingat tu. macam org mengandung jugak..sampai masa lahirlah dia.
Good Luck
take it easy kak teh. we will miss u for now.
big hug for u!
all the best KT.. i hope the ideas keep flowing :)
ohooo kakteh, kalau la i boleh tumpang jadi tukang bukak kamus wilkinson...hualamak, WORLD!!!
All the best to you. I shall wait for your comeback!
wish you all the best k.teh and insya-allah with everybody punya doa you will succeed.
kak teh,
funny. I pasak your spot against spammers and they all disappear including you. Funny..
(psst... are YOU a spammer? You can tell me you know..)
anyways, good luck with the books and papers ya? Will email you some reports on some meetings.
In the meantime, dont spam spam behind my back ok?
the best of luck kak teh!! :) that looks like fun :) and I mean it. I'm a sucker for studying (give a long period of non studying hihi)
Go get them Kak Teh. All the best!
urghh.. another intermission by another favourite... tak paa... go on. we pray for you..
go kak teh!!
go!go!go! YOU CAN DO IT!!!
Kak Teh,
All the best..
May the force and the wisdom be with you... :)
OOD said...
my research has shown that certain chemicals, X(s), in textbooks are very potent sleep inducers.
ooh not only the cats are such a halwa to the mata i can betcha i will gomoy them when i see them one fine day.
teruskan usaha sehingga berjaya! don't forget to blog about Merdeka yeah?
Kak Teh, researchers to comey sangat lah.
Selamat 'berjuang' dgn buku2 & nota2 mu itu..
Take Care Kak Teh, see u soooonnn.....
selamat maju jaya. doa saya dari jauh.
KT, that syair you took out from your bag the other day masa kat Holiday Villa pun gave me the shivers!! Pengsan just thinking about you having to comb through volume after volume of those materials!!
Wish you well, wish you success in clearing all you need to do!!
And WHAT is it about kitties AND reading materials??! I think ALL cat owners face that same problem!!
Lots of luv & prayers!!
hak allaaaaa!!! CHOMMEELL LA SEMUA2 TUHH!!!!!!!! kucing kak teh...aarrgghhh...geramm!
kak teh..
can i borrow your magnifying glass please?
Terima kasih semua. Insyaallah - kak teh akan tekun belajar! cuma concentration lacking sikit - asyik mengantuk!
meowwwwwwwwww....alaa comeinya
kak teh kalau ngantuk pi la makan coklat
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