Monday, 31 August 2009

Selamat Menyambut Hari Ulangtahun Kemerdekaan ke 52

Merdeka post on the way - ~Insyaallah!


kay_leeda said...

Selamat Menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan to Kak Teh & family :)

May we continue to prosper and stay in harmony always.

Pak Zawi said...

Kak Teh,
Selamat menyambut 52 tahun kemerdekaan. Ada apa acara diLondon?

Kak Teh said...

Kay, kak teh pun turut mendoakan yang sama. Harap negara kita terus maju dan makmur dan selamat.

Pak Zawi, di London sudah ada perayaan , karnival malaysia sebelum puasa. Dan pada masa itu kami dalam penerbangan pulang, jadi misslah.

ms. fatihah said...

Salam muhibbah Kak Teh di sana
Lama tidak bersua di alam maya
Selamat Menyambut Kemerdekaan Ke52
Selamat Berpuasa dititipkan istimewa

May Allah SWT keep u in good health always. =))

-Fatihah Nur Izzati-

Kak Teh said...

ms fatihah, terima kasih kerana sudi menjenguk dan selamat berpuasa dan beribadat dalam bulan yang mulia ini.

Hanita Hassan said...

Merdeka!Merdeka!Merdeka! Nowadays people were celebrated the Merdeka Day like other usual event and it was obvious where some of us just ignoring it without feeling guilty.

For me...this is the time for us to show our gratitude to the nation and give back what ever that we can so that the next generation will feel the same way as we feel now.

Selamat and Salam to Kak Teh sekeluarga. May every second in your life is valuable.

Kak Elle said...

sorry this is late KT hope you and all other malaysian in London had a good celebration.

re cats take a peep here on my friend who is doing lots for the love of cats and animals alike...

maybe if you want to write abt abandon cats u can write abt him...hehe

Kak Teh said...

Hanita, in London there's no celebration at all for now. We had the carnival malaysia on 15th Aug - i was still on the flight back to London - and I think there will be a reception after raya. It is certainly quiet. Thanks for your good wishes and all the best to you too.

Kak Elle, i will certainly have a look at the site about cats. Likei said - there's hardly any ce;ebrations here....bulan puasa, kan?

Adliff said...


Kak Teh,

Selamat Menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan.
Kak Ngah saya pakukan Jalur Gemilang di dinding rumah FELDA ayah saya. Kecil namun signifikan!

Kak Teh said...

Aliff, kecik pun tak apa - yang penting semangat tu masih kuat, kan?

LifeBloom said...

Salam Merdeka KT!

KT, do you mind if you let me have your e-mail add? Need some advice from a Londoner (you!) :D. My e-mail is

Thanks very much and am waitiing for your posting!

Alinlai said...

selamatlah hendaknya kan... :) insyaAllah selamat semuanya aminnnn!!!

DrSam said...

Salam kemerdekaan Kak Teh. Brickendonbury tak buat apa-apa sambutan ke tahun ni?

Mama Huptihup said...

selamat meyambut hari merdeka kak teh :D

Unknown said...

Hi Kak Teh

I hope you and other Malaysians in London had a meaningful merdeka celebration.

I was in KL for a few days and it was pretty quiet there this time...probably because of the low-keyed celebration due to the fasting season.

Selamat berpuasa.

Kak Teh said...

Lifebloom, got it! and i have more info.

Alinlai, lamanya tak nampak you di sini. How are you and selamat berpuasa!

Kak Teh said...

Dr Sam, they had the malaysian carnival on 15th august - the day we flew back from KL. So we missed it. And the Pm was supposed to be there too but his visit was cancelled last minute as he ad other appointments.

Lyana, same to you! Sekarang ni sibuk ka?

Kak Teh said...

paula, i think everywhere it was lowkey, what with puasa and the H1n1, kan? but good as well because we cant be spending when the economy is down.

Mama Huptihup said...

kak teh, i sibuk tah still working (?) to write and write and write children's book tp semua hampeh...sooo sedih lah...

Kak Teh said...

Lyana, dont give up. Its the same with me - just talk and nothing gets done.