Syaer untuk Tabby
Sukanya hati tidak terkira,
Tabbyku pulang membawa berita,
Mengubat hati yang duka lara,
Tiada lagi hati sengsara.
Merajuk agaknya tidak terkata,
Membawa diri merata-rata,
Ke sana sini tak tentu hala.
Kami di rumah gundah gulana
Menggigit jari, hati merana,
Mencari-cari ke sini sana,
Tak tahu lagi hendak ke mana.
Lapar dahaga tidak terkira,
Dahagakan kasih daripada tuannya
Yang lama sudah rindukannya.
Terubatnya rindu bukan kepalang,
Tidur sebantal, makan tak kenyang
Selamat pulang Tabbyku sayang!
i can't see the pics, i am guessing sayang mama sudah balik?
Yahooo! O my goodness! Tabby!!! Where did you go? Why did you leave??? I love you too!!boohooo boohoo!
kak teh..the 2nd pix looks like sayang mama tengah mengadu about his ordeal to AG :)
Yayyyy! All is forgiven, Tabby! Uhmmm.. am sure that he will spent the whole weekend "telling" you about his adventures before going out again and dragging the Mrs in to stay *laughs*
Alhamdulillah Kak Teh. He sure gave you all a scare. Banyaknya yang hendak diceritakan kepada AG. Maybe he is saying, "Lain kali jangan tinggalkan I lagi tau!"
Anyway, what a happy day for you, AG and other sayang mamas.
Hah! Ni mesti Kissinger dah hantar message kat dia, bagitau papa and mamanya dah balik kan?
Yay!!!! Welcome back Tabby!
Glad that Sayang Mama back.
Just open ur blog today (laptop attacked by virus wiping the window),and my saliva starts to drool looking at those strawberries dipped in choc .
this is a most wonderful news, dear kt (and ag). syukur alhamdulillah!
'm so delighted for you and ag, and for tabby.
gosh tab, next time leave a note for your parents, okay!
Tabby is soooo chumell! Glad that he came back home eventually. Biasalah tu Kak Teh, kucing2 jantan memang suka merantau, sometimes for a few months, before coming back home. Expect this to be a normal occurrence from now on :-)
Alhamdulillah he's back safe and sound. Tengok dia dok mengadap AG.. agaknya mengadu hal panjang lebarlah tu..
PS: you wicked woman, Kak Teh.. meleleh ayaq lioq tengok those luscious choc-dipped strawberries..
Kak teh,
Tabby took a stroll at Hyde Park and met the friendly squirrels there. He must have overstayed his welcome I guess.
Komen Pak Malim, kucing ray yg alim.
Saya rasa amat gembira kerana Tabby dah balik, kata Pak Malim sambil tergolek. Kak Teh, nak pinjam Blackberry, boleh? kata Pak Malim sambil memegang koleh. Saya nak telepon Tabby, kata Pak Malim sambil makan ubi.
Salam Kak Teh and AG,
I am SO, SO, HAPPY the rascal came home. I can just imagine how you two must have felt.
This will make a wonderful Eid for the family.
Alhamdulillah kan dah kata he will come nak raya ni:)at least he is not harm KT....
and yesterday I scolded Garpy as he's been a monster attacking Chinky and won't allow Chinky to sleep on the bed!!
I rejoice with you, Kak Teh...I am glad he came back! All is forgotten and forgiven...Take care.
Intan Nazrah, yessss! Sayang mama sudah pulang!
mamasita, we still dotn know where he went but the important thing is he knew the way back, kan? So so happy.
atiza, memang dia banyak mengadu. In between makan, macam2 berleter.
andrea, oh no? a Mrs? I dont think the female in the household will tolerate this. He can have his fun elsewhere. (I'm sure he has!)
NanDJ, actually AG dreamt about his return. We were just sitting down waiting foer berbuka when he burst through the flap. Masuk saja, banyak yang mengadu, bercerita. But he didnt look too skinny, someone must have been feeding him.
Pi Bani, bukan Kissinger saja yang membawa pesan. Kak Teh dah bagi tau kat jiran2 kalau nampak Tabby suruh dia balik. Pesan di awan lalu, janganlah merajuk selalu.
MTTNM - yay and hundreds of yay! Semalam nak keluar pergi terawikh pun bimbangnak tinggal dia takut dia merajuk lagi.
Madam Gold, that happened to me some time back - all my files and folders and documents on desktop hilang. I had to pay £40 for a programme to retrive them. Welcome back to blogging and selamat berpuasa.
Mekyam, itulah, budak2 sekarang nak pi ke mana-mana tak tau nak cakap (and can you blame Tabby? hehe!)
Pugs, you mean he will do this again? oh no! Cant take the worries and the heartaches anymore!
Puteri kama, ya banyak yang dia mengadu. Tak lekang dari sisi Hulaimi. Oh, my strawberry tu memang untuk menduga iman.
Pak Zawi, the squirrels must have chased him away. He can be quite a pest!
Pak Malim, kak teh suka tidak terkira,
kata kak teh yang hilang suara.
Nak pinjam Blackbery untuk panggil Tabby? tanya kak teh yang tengok kabhi kabhi. Tak boleh, Tabby tak ada suara, kata kak teh yang makan buah ara.
Ms Hamid, yes, words cant express how we feel. Silently, I was losing hope. When we walked the the road, we always looked out for him. he used to walk with us to the mainroad and that was worrying. I left word with Betsy at the top of the road - and she too had not seen Tabby. But suddenly he turned up!!
Kak Elle, semalam, dia terus tidur atas dada AG, tak nak pergi ke mana-mana. Kesian pulak tengok dia, memang dia rindu when we were away. The children were out most of the time and when he came back the house was empty and I guess he didnt like that.
Paula, yes, all is forgotten and forgiven!!
YAY!! That's such good news Kak Teh!! Your elation at his return is quite evident in your response to everyone's comments, Alghumdulillah!!
Now the both of us have something to celebrate in this most auspicious month, woohoo!!
Shahieda, am truly relieved! My husband is overjoyed and we couldnt stop talking abt him. He is a real rascal to just leave us like that!
and yes, there is much to celebrate! Congratulations to you.
Alhamdulillah! :)
Naz, Alhamdulillah! Tabby doesnt leave our side now. Ikut saja pi ke mana pun. Its good to have him home.
Salam Kak Teh, cant help but to menyampuk. My cat, Gate was missing for 3 months. He couldnt find his way home but out of the blues, 'there' I saw him. Duk panggil2 nama dia, he blink2 his eyes then he ran away. Somehow my dara managed to sweet talk and now he is safely back on our pangkuan.
somuffins,seronoknya bila kucing dah balik. Yang kak teh takut kalau ada apa-apa yang terjadi - maklumlah rumah dekat jalan, atau takut ada orang yang curi. Gate hilang 3 bulan? adoi, mesti you bimbang.
OMG, Tabby came back. Mesti berkat doa Kak Teh sekeluarga di bulan yg mulia nih :)
oh im so happy for you Kak Teh! Dah agak dah, mesti Taby akan balik sbb makanan kat rumah lagi best compared to outside world! lol.
1000 syukur KT!! sebak dibuatnye dek tabby ni... just soooo glad he's back :D
Bestnya Tabby dah balik...kita tumpang happy..:-D. Selamat Berpuasa Kak Teh & Keluarga...
thisisaireen,yes, alhamdulillah. Now he is beng spoilt rotten!
Farina, your story abt Michael's cat gave me hope and he did come back! Thank God.
Justiffa, macam-macam perangai kucing ni. Since coming back he hasnt gone out except to do his business. First two days he wouldnt budge from my husband's side but the whole of yesterday, macam merajuk...panggil pun tak nak datang. And tidur sendiri downstairs. jenuh kena pujuk pulak.
Lifebloom, lamanya tak nampak. Hope you are well. yes, we are happy that Tabby is back. Selamat berpuasa to you.
Kucing Tabby badannya belang,
Ke mana pergi lama menghilang,
Wahai Mak Teh yang gundah-gulana,
Lain kali bawaklah tabby bersama.
Tabby merajuk membawa diri,
entah ke mana dia sudah pergi,
Mak Teh nak bawa dia keluar negeri,
Bukan tak mahu, tambangnya tinggi!
Yes, yes, yes....Tabby is home!!!!!!
Kak Teh, mungkin Tabby tersesat jalan or trapped in someone's home for 29 days...kesian Tabby!!
Now you can have a happy hari raya!
mama irma, dia pi cari girl friend kut! yes, we are a complete family now. Alhamdulillah!
Oh, syukurlah akhirnya Si Tabby pulang.
Tabby kucing belang
Badan bulat ekor panjang
Satu hari Tabby hilang
Kak Teh Risau bukan kepalang
Habis dipesan orang lalu-lalang
Khuatir kucing ditimpa malang
Bermalam-malam tidak pulang
Dipanggil tidak datang
Hari ini Si Tabby pulang
Bawa cerita kisah bertandang
Kak Teh senyum memandang
Hai anak bujang bikin Kak Teh walang!
Tabby kucing belang,
badan bulat ekor panjang,
25 hari Tabby hilang,
pergi ke mana tak nampak bayang.
Ke sana sini mencari-cari,
takut juga Tabby dicuri,
ataupun dia merajuk sampai lari,
lalu tak balik berhari-hari.
Alhamdulillah, Tabby dah pulang,
banyaknya cerita berulang-ulang,
makan dan minum macam tak kenyang,
tidur sebantal dengan tuan sayang.
Tabby janganlah merajuk lagi,
Kami dah pulang dan tak akan pergi,
kasih sayang tak berbelah bagi,
Untuk Tabby yang kami kasihi.
Kak Teh,
Errr....Tabby dah sunat? According to old wives tales, neutered cats have less tendency to roam unlike tomcats. The boys in our household won't even step out of the main door!
cats in sydney, oh no, Tabby tak sunat pun sebab tu dia kuat merayau. last night, he was so funny. We were about to do terawikh when he piscked a fight with one of his siblings. But one word from my husband he came coyly back to his place. Its amazing how he listenes to every word my husband says and obeys. It is as if he understands him.
cats do understand man more than women kot ??.
thank god, your cat is back !!
must be one hell of an experience for all parties too ya ?.
why not tag him with a collar dengan address plus phone no. ? in case next time dia buat cerita dgn adventure baru !!.
males memang kuat merayau tau !!.
Welcome to my blog, Capt.
Yes tabby is back, but since his return he has been behaving himself and has hardly left the house. He is indeed quite a rascal to have gone off like that. But I think he will now think twice because he is overfed and mollycuddled at home.
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