Up the road, Betsie poked her head out of the window and waved me off with her usual “Mind how you go, darlin’.” Had it been a warm summer’s day, we’d spend a few minutes of natter about this and that, about our girls who grew up together and about the worrying level of crime in the area. Betsie is almost family – her parents lived next to us and hers was the shoulder I cried on when our cat died. She had taken it to the vet, but it didn’t make it.
These days the walk up the road to our small town seems a bit tedious. I have sort of lost that spring in my steps, or don’t they put springs in shoes anymore? It took me a full ten minutes to reach the post office and by then the queue, something that the British do with passion, was already long. I used to joke with friends that soon I’d be queuing up for my pension at the post office. And now it doesn’t seem funny anymore.
At Mr Patel’s, our local newsagent, the queue was just as long; this one had pensioners and out of jobbers queuing up to scratch their lotto cards or buy lottery tickets for that promised millions. Day after day, I see these people queuing up for their place in the sun, dreaming of the promised jackpot. Next week, I will still see the same faces queuing up and still not going anywhere. Only Mr Patel, transfixed behind the counter, ringing his till, has gone up in this world.
Mrs Van, that’s what he calls me. He cannot pronounce W, even after forty odd years here, half of which he spends behind the counter selling newspapers and lottery tickets and such likes from his corner shop. From behind the counter, he has seen his children off to medic school and they are doing very well indeed. And the people who are queuing up to buy the lottery tickets from him are still there.
I got my turn to top up my Oyster card and paid for my bar of Galaxy and a bottle of mineral water while Mr Patel updated me about what’s happening around our little town. More and more Eastern European shops are sprouting in the area, he lamented, and one old lady got mugged down the road last night, so mind how you go, Mrs Van.
I don’t know whether I was more perturbed by the news of the lady being mugged or by his emphasis on OLD, but with that we said goodbye.
This small town of ours had seen better days; there were no yobs in hoods cycling around to intimidate people and no drunks sleeping on the bench outside Mr Patel’s. Woolworth, once Britain’s famous chain store had long closed down its shop here and you’d be hardpressed to find a bank. If desperate enough, we’d use the ATM at Mr Patels’ and pay £1.70 for the facility.
On a brighter note, we’ve seen more halal butchers from Afghanistan and Pakistan.
On the way to the station I suddenly felt a tinge of sadness as I caught a glimpse of old Mrs B’s house. She was our other former nextdoor neighbour before we moved. I could see her putting the cone on the road outside our house to reserve the space for our car. Once we’re back from work, she’d come in for tea and offer to bring in our washings from the washing line. She’d talk non-stop, much to the annoyance of the children who wanted to watch T J Hooker or the cartoons. But the old dear just wanted company. Her own children saw her once a month to take her out for a meal of fish and chips. Then when we moved, we heard that she was found dead one day in winter.
Although I could hear the train approaching, I took my own sweet time. There’s no more bounding up the steps two or three at a time, and whenever I am with him, he no longer chased me up to the top, both of us panting and laughing like school children. Now, even without the race, I pant.
Long before credit crunch came into our vocabulary, I had already stopped buying newspapers. There are loads of free newspapers littering the seats these days and the only time I quicken my footsteps is to get to a newspaper before someone else does.
I was engrossed by the day’s news; more gloomy forecast, more unemployment in the horizon. An announcement made me look up, only to see a familiar face staring back at me from the reflection in the window. The tudung looked familiar, the face tired and bored. We both looked away to see the autumn leaves fall.
As if programmed in my mind, I got off at the eleventh station and changed train, and then dragged my feet up the steps at Russel Square. There was a mood of merriment as a group of young medic students in drags collected money for charity. They were young first year students, all fresh and eager and in drags. At least they were not drunk.
Once out of the lift and the station, I was thankful to breathe in the fresh air of autumn again, the wind bringing a whiff of roasted hazelnuts from a stall nearby. Roasted hazelnuts without fail always signal the arrival of winter, and we’d pay more than necessary to buy the nuts and linger a bit more for the warmth from the crackling fire.
The campus was buzzing with students, young and old. There was again a long queue snaking towards a member of the Hare rama group giving away free vegetarian meals. I spotted a familiar face – still young and fresh and still full of enthusiasm. She must be, what, 25? We were classmates when I was doing my MA a few years back and now, still with the same energy and enthusiasm, she is pursuing her PhD. She asked me when I am doing mine and I didn’t have an answer to that.
Walking towards the lift, I saw another familiar face. She was one of those who, like me, hunched over our PC in the computer room trying to finish our dissertation. We smiled and hugged. Yes, she had also finished her MA but is pursuing another course. She is 65. When are you studying again, she asked? And I still don’t have an answer to that.
I walked up the steps to the office and sat down to prepare my work but my mind kept going back to the questions I didn’t have an answer for. My eyes kept going back to the park outside the window, to the autumn leaves still hanging on bravely to the branches. How beautiful, how rich, but they fall eventually, don’t they?
Other listless Mak Cik in Autumn stories:
Love in the autumn years 1
Love in the autumn years 2
A Small Malay Kampong by the A40
Listless in London
Kak Teh, autumn is often associated with melancholic and depressing thoughts, eh? That's why my autumn draft is not seeing daylight. HeHe..
You very well know you don't need to answer those questions, which is more of a cliche, if anything...
Oh Kak Teh, I love this posting.
Somehow, I do feel some sense of belonging here. The familiar faces; the cahiers at Tesco, the parents walking their kids to school, the waiters/waitress at our fav cafe.
Funny how our emotions are often affected by the change of seasons.
Kak Teh,
saya tak pernah sampai ke London atau negara2 yang sewaktu dengan nya. Tapi bila saya baca entry akak ni macam saya terbawa bawa feeling saya ke sana...rasa indah dah syahdu saja....
I love reading this entry. Kak,kalau boleh bubuh banyak gambar la kak....
Take care,say hello to Jen,Betsie,Mr Patel and Mrs Van
D, yes, the seasons tend to dictate how we feel, and our moods. Dont know about you, but i feel so like autumn now.
The answer to that question? I might be able to give you some sort of answer soon..by phone.
Ms B, ya, that's what I thought too. There's a sense of belonging - familiar faces and places.
Ezza, i will be putting some pictures soon. Its in the camera and my husband has left with it. I am glad you can feel a bit of London in autumn that I am trying to portray in the simple life of this Mak Cik.
Kak Teh,
this is beautiful. I could identify with the feelings and the emotion. In this post, i see side of you that i have not seen before...
Autumn/Winter is often regarded asa depressing part of the year, but you know, sometimes...just sometimes, it brings out the best in people too :)
Kak Teh,
You make this Mak Cik ( more accurate Tok Cik) miss her life in UK, where once she was a mature student. I can picture myself in your place going to the Post Office, to the corner shop and often feeling melancholic. But autumn is always so beautiful and the children loved jumping on piles of leaves. In KL/PJ these past few days its been raining every day and can be equally depressing but never melancholic.
All the best to you and thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences with us. I do miss UK especially London your jottings help to hilangkan kerinduan.
Salam, Nana DJ
Lah, KT
I can picture your journey very well including that steps going up to East Acton station. I pun tak larat nak lari naik tangga!
naz,it is autumn, and autumn tends to make me think this way. It is 1326 and I have to be out in 20 minutes but it is cold and gloomy and I need new springs in my steps!
nanaDJ, thanks for resurfacing again and I do seriously think that you shd share your thoughts with us in a blog. You must write about your time here. Please.
and thank you for remembering your way back to my blog.
The days that pass, they pass too soon, don't they? Every year is a blessing in itself, good and bad together.
Thanks for sharing this, Kak Teh. Looking forward to more Mak Cik in Autumn posts. :)
woi melayu london yang sekarang di singapura...apa pulak sebut nama station? hahahaha!
The days that pass, they pass too soon, don't they? Every year is a blessing in itself, good and bad together.
Thanks for sharing this, Kak Teh. Looking forward to more Mak Cik in Autumn posts. :)
Thanks KT for a beutiful posting.You made feel so sad and happy at the same time.Sad because I left my heart in Manchester and happy that my son is in Liverpool experiencing the UK weather.I havent been to the UK for so long and so lepas you tunjuk gambar and describe the atmosphere there,I would say" waah,syoknya"!
Of course I felt very sad for your neighbour yang old lady tu.Anak2 dia must have neglected her kan?Alahai,kesian betul.
Kak Teh - I don't know how to say this any other way.. but my eyes welled up in tears reading this, soon after posting my own sombre piece on the forthcoming Haj. This heart is heavy..
Komen Pak Malim kucing ray yg alim.
Melihat daun2 berguguran, mengingatkan saya tentang putaran kehidupan, kata Pak Malim sambil duduk atas papan. Walau tinggi mana pun pohonnya, daun-daun itu tetap gugur juga bila tiba masanya, kata Singa Narnia. (Sepupu Pak Malim).
Kak Teh,
This was beautifully written. It made me feel rather melancholy too.
True what ppl say that how we feel associates with the season we are in. As for us in Msia, layan je lah panas , mendung & hujan... ;-)
Another posting from you which brought back memories of my life in the UK. The warmth and friendliness of the elderly neighbours, waving their goodbyes as I trudged off to my Uni.."Have a nice day, duckie!" "Nice weather we have today, ain't it love."
And the corner shop where a Patel or an Indian with some other surname would be manning it, and my eyes would curi-curi tengok at the covers of the mags on the top shelves (!!)...yes..the memories are flooding back.
And autumn..the most melancholic of all the seasons, indicating the forthcoming arrival of a bleak and grey winter.Somehow I love autumn. The falling of the leaves made me feel like all my sins and past legacies have shedded themselves away from me and I would begin anew again, yet I feel sad that they had left me.
hej! kak teh...autumn, winter, spring, summer...always bring me great moments and i luv all the seasons...and each season has its own song(s) to make me happy...;-)
This dredges the memory of my first year in UK. MSD arranged for all six of us to share a three-storey semi-detached house with our seniors. Our college is right infront of the house. Our landlord lives next door with his family in what seems like a museum to me. There's a corner shop at the end that sells noodles in cup, aerogrammes, etc.
Fifteen minutes before class started, while there was a hive of activities in front of the main gate of the college, with students dropping off from their buses, parents' cars etc, my classmates said sometimes they could see me walking out of the corner shop in my Scottish kilt (the full ankle-length, not knee length) clutching my noodles in cup breakfast, even during autumn and winter.
Ah yes, at one time charming and frefined Ikmal Hijaz Hashim came all the way from London to sort out our mandi problem. You see, some of us prefer mandi jirus and the water leaked into our landlord's saloon and damaged the Persian/Turkish carpets and other mahogany furnitures.
Oopps, should be the charming and refined. Now I remember, the corner shop is Spar.
Thanks Kenny dear, certainly there will be more mak cik autumn stories to tell, and let's pray there will be more autumn for me to enjoy.
mamasita, when it is wet and cold, the beauty of autumn, like winter, can only be enjoyed from inside the house. Today, when I walked out, I was sad to see vare branches and golden yellow leaves all over the street. Sayang nak pijak atas daun-daun ni.
Puteri, I will miss you so much. But have a good haj, the both of you. This corner of blogosphere will be quieter without you but we will be praying for your safe return dan semoga mendapat haji mabrur.
What a lovely post... brings back fond memories of my student life there... autumn was my favourite time actually. It was cooler, and the constant change of scenery was refreshing (after a hot summer). The start of the term... new possibilities
I had an old couple as a neighbour and they were always willing to help.... cos like urs, they were lonely, their children hardly came to visit or take them out as they were very old. They were loved but still they wanted to be apart of the living. They loved going out to the back garden if they heard us there and offered to take pictures (albeit with shaky hands).... now I wonder how they are doing as it been 10 years since I left.
Aida - I so much want to go a visit.... tapi kenapa lah GBP so very high grrrrrr
Pak Malim kucing ray yang alim,
sungguh sedap kata-kata pak malim,
mengenai daun yang gugur dari pohon, kata kak teh sambil bercakap melalui handphone,
walau cantik macam manapun, bila sampai masanya ia akan gugur, perhati kak teh sambil mengunyah asam gelugur.
jabishah, thank you. I was feeling a tad melancholic yesterday. Hmmm, one of those days lah!
MTT, it is those little things; the wave of a hand, the hellos and goodbyes and take care, chuck, that make us feel so accepted, ya? I ued to have a neighbour, who was a typical curtain twitcher..but one day we realised how useful it was to have a curtain twitcher as a neighbour. She saw a delivery man knocking on the door. No one answered as we were out. So, she offered to keep the parcel for us and saved us the trip to the post office to collect it.
danial ma, with your camera, I'm sure you've captured all the seasons and the moods - spring, summer, autumn and winter. My son is doing that now and has quite a collection of autumn in Prague and autumn in Berlin.
GUiKP, I tried hard not to imagine you in a kilt without much success! Oh I have heard many a story about the jirus problem especially amongst newcomers. What a nightmare for those people downstairs!
Aida, some of these old folks are quite stubborn. They simply dont want to live with their children and would rather have a carer who comes in once in a while to help them with their shopping. The sad thing is that sometimes, they just die all alone. Kesian.
Nice pic K Teh....
I loooove autumn, I love rain and I love dust, I think all of them associated with each other. In short, I feel pacified in gloomy weather( ada bunyi mcm a mentally disturbed person dak???)
Kak Teh, I feel like I was in a dream lah Kak Teh...like in a story book pun ya jugak...I can just imagine that journey you took that morning...ahhh..my ever oh-so-perasan-om-putih-daughter will surely love reading this too!! And oh, I love your last sentence...how deep, how true! Thanks Kak Teh...
A lovely posting, as always. You make me miss England!
I think, next year, I'll make it a point to go back to the UK. It's been a long time... The last time I was there was in 1994! Insyaallah, kalau ada rezeki, I'LL BE BACK!!
I think this has got to be my favourite posting of yours so far. Your writings are beautiful, yet unpretentious. Just like the works of Adibah Amin, one of my favourite writers.
Anyway, your tale of Mrs B is so sedih la. It reminded me of this dear sweet neighbour we had named Kay. She was married, without children, but then her husband died & so she lived all alone in the big house down our street. Sometimes I would make it a point to just walk across the street to have my afternoon tea with her (& to play with her beautiful cats ... hehe) because I know she would love the company of another human being. She died last year, aged 74, & her body was discovered 4 days later in her home. Itu pun sebab some people were starting to wonder about her whereabouts - it was a good thing everyone in the neighbourhood knew & liked her.
Yes, we're all like leaves on a tree, aren't we Kak Teh? Tunggu masa je ... kadang2 tak payah tunggu kering & layu, daun muda pun boleh gugur secara tiba2.
Kak Teh,
Such a beautiful piece this posting is. The falling leaves, the slow walk, the gush of cold wind on the face, the sporadic rain….ahhh, indeed it is so melancholic.
Although my setting wasn’t in UK, but the experience was similar. I recall looking out of my apartment window, seeing the barren trees, little children bundled in jackets and showered with the abundance of motherly love…ahh…I could go on and on!!
Thanks for sharing Kak Teh. Tak tau bila lah nak ke London to experience the British weather…..
this entry is so poignant, kt.
couldn't help mulling over it at dinner, hardly tasting my beef stroganoff [mil's recipe].
all earlier thoughts of chipping in with my two bits in tok sak's blog about rafidah being twice the women shahrizat is (and i don't mean in kurung size, of course) went clean out of my mind.
long story short, i ended up instead versing this especially for you:
An Autumn Pact!
When trees turn
to red and gold,
And the nights
are getting cold,
When the summer sun
loses its heat,
But being outdoor
is still real neat,
When leaves merrily
come dancing down -
Scarlet, yellow,
russet and brown,
When green grass
disappears 'neath a heap
Of trees undressing,
ready for sleep,
I know the season
is turning round,
As every life
is slumber bound.
But taking a leaf
from Autumn's glory
I'll not waste a
day feeling sorry.
Instead with Autumn
I will conspire,
To greet old Winter
in all my splendour!
Desert Rose, no, you sound perfectly normal to me, errr, except for the dust! hehe! Kak Teh allrgic to dust, pollen dan segala yang sewaktu dengannya. So, I am quite wary when summer comes.
ms Hart, yes, it is supposed to take you on a journey with this mak cik. I think once in a while we have to take stock of our life - by taking this journey.
Mrs Nordin, airasia is flying to london soon. Will write abt the flights and last night on the way back from work, I passed thru Oxford Streed - banyaknya sales!! Banyak potongan harga - to lure people back into the shops. So, come soon!
thanks pugs. Mrs B was also found on her own after a few days. That's the sad thing - in winter tak ada sapa nak menjenguk and a lot of old people die this way. Sometimes they are also victims to young rascals who knock on their doors to say that their cat had strayed into the old dears' garden. And once inside, they'd mug them. Mrs B was subjected to that once. But most degil and would want to live on their own.
Kay, like I said to Mrs N, come NOW!!! Sales berlambak! seems like all the shops are trying to get people to shop during this time of financial uncertainties.
mekyam, I am speechless and truly touched that you should take time off in your busy schedule to spin me these wonderful lyricals. I think such words would be lost in verses on Kak Jat vs Mak cik Pidah. So you did right here and I appreciate that. Thank you mekyam from mek jarroh.
Askm K Teh..silent reader all the while, tapi this round eeee..kaki mcm sepak2 dedaun ituewww..hehe seronok baca entry kali nih la kak...daaaa...Ekin
such a heart-warming but sad entry......i miss fall..errr...sorry..autumn and the golek2 kat Kesington Park - of course not missing the "this is my Filipino maid" part...he he he...
ekin, thanks. It takes the sepak-sepak daun to make you comment here! Am glad this entry provokes such memories.
Samantha!!! hahahaha, do you have to remind me of the 'filipino maid' incident? That is so funny. Kesian mak cik nak glamour dengan cermin mata hitam and all, itu yang dia orang pikir.
Ya, I can imagine u all posing memosing in Kensington Park dengan Queen of the Duvet and Cik Baidu..
Alangkah seronoknya jaman itu ya?
Kak Teh,
Don't remind me of Oxford Street!! Now I feel like I'm standing infront of Selfridges!
I love London in winter, not autumn. I think it's so romantic. Sigh... I wish I was there...
a very well written entry KT and is that 65yrs makcik someone I know?
Dear Makcik Melayu di pekan orang putih (or in short, Kak Teh) :)
This posting makes me feel rather semonel (emotional - ni orang Melayu cuba cakap orang putih). Mrs B macam tu punya cerita... kita nanti entah mana rupa punya ending. Kadang-kadang terpikir, for someone like me yang takde anak ni, dah tua nanti macam manalah... entah-entah tak siapa peduli...
aduh, word verification pulak keluar 'ophans'... tambahlah semonel.
Mrs N, you wouldnt want to stand in front of selfridges now - it is so cold - Wintry showers! Icy cold today.
Kak elle, no the 65 yr old is not someone we both know. She wasnt in my uni. and I believe he is still where you are.
Pi Bani, orang yang ada anak pun tak tentu lagi anak dia boleh jaga dia, betul tak? NAnti semua dah bekerja dan beranak pinak, ibu bapa tua dihantar ke homes....aduuuuh!
Eh? Still autumn on your side of Europe? It's snowing here today - big, fat flakes of fluffed icing sugar or ice-kacang snow.
May the spring in the step of your heart never go away, Kak Teh.
Argus, I think winter is already here. Today, this weend - its icy cold! But we dont have snow laa.
If the spring in the step of my heart go any faster, that will spell trouble! hahaha!
Kak Teh, maybe one day I will be brave enough to blog and become Tok Cik Blogger. Until then I will just be contented to read your blog and AG's(and a few others too). There are already two journalists in the family (slowly making a name in their respective areas, I am proud to say), the mother fears comparison so would rather surreptitiously test her writing skills through your kind indulgence.
Why don't you compile your jottings into a book like AG? I'll be the first to buy it.
Regards, NanaDJ
NanaDJ, hey, you'll be in good company if and when you blog and please let me me be the first to know. Two journalists in the family? Wow!
A compilation? hmmm...can do Growing up and Growing Old in London...hehe! I think am going towards that.
kak teh,
I am from the ulu of Kelantan so I have never been to England or experienced autumn. I will come back and comment after I have visited England and experienced all the four seasons which I have learnt alot from Enid Blyton.
Zawi, its okay - its too cold now. You can just look at the pictures from the warmth and comfort of your room.
Dear kak Teh
How you described it sounds just like what my mom in law related to me. My in laws were attached to the Min of Defence yongs ago and they were based in London. I was in Dundee and Edinburgh for a good 10 days in Sept last year. Masa tu tak autumn lagi. The years prior to that ada jugak spend a couple of days in London but that was work and a quick peep at Oxford Street. Your post has surely made me missed UK too.
Do you really have that Autumn-Day-Mak-Cik feeling? Then smeone would surely have that Icy-Winter-Day-Pak-Cik feeling. One answer is to look forward. Spring will be there, come what may. Isn’t that a cheerful thought?
A bit of digression here …Generally, pupils begin at Almanar as soon as they finish their UPSR (year six) exam. They have about two months or so before starting Form I in January. They come here to while away their time, doing something instead of getting into some mischief. Each person is given a photostat copy of a simplified version of Jane Eyre. It is simple and the children love it, the sadness in losing a friend, the bit of love in it, and of course the happily-ever-after ending. At one point comes this simple sentence,’Spring comes after the cold winter.’ This is where the Pak Cik will go to town explaining the four seasons of the temperate world. It is a bit of geography. In spring all the leaves get yellow and begin to fall, macam tu ke? They ask in disbelief. Yes, indeed. We are lucky in Batu Rakit that we do not have to wait. All the seasons are here at the same time. We even make our own snow flakes for ABC – air batu campur!
Right now it rains and rains, like in summer in England, so we hear, but a bit heavier! It is cold, not quite icy cold as you said. It is nice. Balek Tenganu lah, and you get rid of that Autumn day feeling as a reward.
Tireless Mom, who is your MIL? I am sure I will know her, or of her as I have also been here for yonks.
Lain kali nak datang London, bagi tau lah, ya?
Abang Ngah!!!!!!!! Welcome to my blog! Yes, I am a Mak Cik now. We met abt 29 years ago when I was perhaps in my late spring. And to this day I remember begging you and kak mah not to leave.
You've done very well with the children. One day, abang ngah, and I owe this to you, even if i sit for five minutes talking to them, Insyaallah I will. And I will tell them about the seasons.
You know I am very proud of you and very proud to call you my Abang Ngah.
My love to Kak Mah.
Kak Teh,
Autumn is (was?) my favourite somehow, coz where I was dolu-dolu, summer was too hot and winter was too freezing cold. What a sight. It was always during the autumn that the melayus in that godforsaken place got together for a BBQ at some lakes somewhere. And I love watching the changing colors of the leaves. But was too young then to liken it to my own life cycle.
Here in Rawang, I got such sombre mood of your autumn also these days, especially belah petang when it starts to rain.
On another note, my dear Malay Mak Cik in English town - reading Galaxy that she bought her own? Wow... you never fail to amaze me la Kak Teh! Hehehehe, jgn mare. I normally just browsed thru kat newstand OR 'pulun'a few mags at the hair saloon when I have hairwash once in a while.
Take care Kak Teh.
Everything looks easy, breezy, beautiful, Cover Girl.
ooohh kak teh.. cantiknya autumn.. experienced once in seoul dulu2.. memang syahdu.. memang cantik..
he he.. saya dok baca je citer kak teh tapi kenkadang segan nak komen.. hope u r in the best of health..
This is so beautifully written and generously shared:)
Kak Teh, to die alone like that is so sad.. I think with the 4 season.. it teach us sometimes it's sunny day and sometimes it's gloomy and hopefully the credit crunch will go away soon
dear kan teh,
i can still remember, 4 years ago, time autumn ni almost everyday i p Shepard's Bush p makan syawarma yg sedap giler kat one cafe next to a mosque, lepas tu makan baklava sampai half a dozen..sedap giler.
Some days p Covent Garden p carik baked potatoes..best giler, macamlah kat tempat lain tak de jual..i love autumn too.
Ibu, sorry to disappoint you, but the Galaxy I meant was the chocolaty one that melts in the mouth AND in the hands! Dont forget, I am a chocoholic and one bar should see me through the morning.
Ted, thanks for visiting.
Mulan, autumn in seoul? wow, macam korean drama!!
Hazia, thanks.
wahaza, oooh i do wish the credit crunch wont bite too hard.
Ida, aah i know which one you are refering too. there are plenty of kebab shops now around the area.
And baked potatoes...lots of cheese and garlic butter! Nice.
Kakteh, dah shopping kat westfield?
Loadsa to say, but u did manage to make me getting flashbacks of those days....U take care of yourself and make sure u stuff enuf lemsips, paracetamols, supplements at home throughout the winter.
word veri: crydry
I like the last photo of the fallen leaves. Still cantik and looks clean. Belum jumpa lagi gambar daun kering cantik macam tu kat sini. Biasa kat sini daun2 kering mesti kerepot..panas sgt kot.
dear kak teh,
i was here reading this post even before u came visiting my blog 2 days ago.. and i came and came again to say 'thank you for dropping by my humble abode' and to give some comments about 'how similar autumns in london and sydney sound like'.. but i was always diverted to your other readers's entries and blogs.. captivated by some wonderfully-written stories.. and before i knew it, hours had passed by.. my eyes would be blinking, my limbs tired and my shoulders ached..
therefore i'm here once again.. as your comment number 62..
Salam Kak Teh,
InsyAllah, this Nov29, some bloggers are meeting at The Terrace, The Curve, Damansara. If you happen to be back here in Malaysia, do join us. Details at my blog.
Manal, we went to westfield twice. Pening kepala - too big and too crowded. Best to keep away from it especially during the Christmas sales.
Ya, lots of people with flu and cold - i have already lost my voice - but that's because I spent the whole day yesterday with all female friends ad we had a blast.
chahya, leaves on the ground, even after they have been trampled on, can look nice as they leave beautiful patterns on the ground. But not when its wet.
Hi ceramic designer - yes, there's so much to read in blogosphere - so many interesting reads that you soon forget the time. But, you are here and that's all that matters. Take care.
cakapje, thank you for the invite. I heard about it and cant help but feel envious. May be next year - insyaallah. Have a good time and salam to everyone.
kak teh, reading ur post brought back memories of my life in the UK...rindunya...i could smell auntumn & winter...
thanks dear
Kak Teh,
I met you and Wan Hulaimi way back in 1990 in London. Siraj (Dato')did introduced me to both of you. Few times we went to your house..
Reading through your article here make me feel so sad and sentimental a bit...I didn't know he just passed away last three week.(8Nov09).Al- Fatihah.
Edelweiss, kalau rindu datang laa, sekarang dengan Air Asia dah murah!
Ismail, thanks for visiting. Ya, sungguh mengejut kami dapat berita drp Sdr Baharom, setrengah jam selepas kematian. Al-Fatehah.
Salam Kak Teh,
We've met many years ago, i think in 1993. That was the first time i visited london. Went again in 1996 but didn't get to see you.
After that the sterling-ringgit gone haywire and I couldn't afford UK anymore. Would love to go again now that everyone can fly, well almost.
In the meantime please amuse us with london tales.
Hi to awang goneng and the rest of the clan.
Jo, thanks for stopping by. Yes, now there'sno excuse not to come to London. The sterling is also quite low!
The sense of familiarity is somewhat comforting I suppose. I am truly blessed to live in a building with pensioners who keep a look-out for each other (not forgetting to mention the delicious cookies, buns and cakes they offer hahaha).
Autumn is a time to wind down and curl up under a blanket by the fire place with a hot cuppa in hand. That image doesnt exist when I have a 6 year old that keeps me on my feet!
But I did however do that as I read this post 3 times covered up in blanket, satu cawan teh tarik and murukku!
thank you for those 15 minutes of bliss.
Sha, thankks for taking time to read.Yes, you are right. It is the sense of what's familiar that is comforting. and oh, must you mention muruku? I am but a muruku addict! I need help. :)
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