Thursday, 11 March 2010

Kak Teh at the Old Trafford - Bewitched by Beckham

Am still at the Old Trafford.
Will be back with more.

BEBERAPA JAM KEMUDIAN..masih di Old Trafford (media centre)
Ish , tie dengan tudung sama pulak colour!


NanaDJ said...

Way to go Kak Teh! You really saw Beckham, handsome devil isn't he? A pity he only played towards the end of the game when MU is already sure of winning. Poor AC Milan.
So now we have become a football fan?
MU fans in Malaysia wished that they are Kak Teh!!!

Mama Huptihup said...

kak teh,

can u ask him what victoria feed him with that he is now soooooo obedient :D

Pi Bani said...

Kak Teh ni minat bola ke minat Beckham? Or both?

Kak Teh said...

nanaDJ, ya- Beckham was jogging and sprinting right before our eyes sebab we were in the first four rows.Tapi saya bukannya faham football. and not likely to be a football fan. Main scrabble boleh lah.

Kak Teh said...

Lyana, tak dan nak tanya sebab dia lari sana sini ligan bola. Kalau kak teh ligan dia pulak nak tanya nanti riuh satu stadium.

Kak Teh said...

Pi Bani, actually masa nak ambik gambark and minta autograpgh, excusenya nak minta untuk anak. dah jadi excuse lama. Kena cari excuse lain pulak.

SFGEMS said...


Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MA said...

Haha...Kak Teh - kalau dapat jawapan untuk Lyana tu - mai habaq kat I naa...nak buat ubat supplement jual kat kaum isteri-isteri to feed para suami-suami.

Gerenti boleh jadi millionaire sekelip mata...:P

Kak Teh said...

Estrelita, I wish I am younger. A few hours out in the cold and i am now suffering from cold and sore throat. I am also getting deaf because of the roar of the crowd. Too old to be doing things like this.

Kak Teh said...

MA, kita buat joint venture lah dua orang. Actually, ManU provided us with limousine pergi mana-mana pun- then ast night selepas match, driver tu cakap : dia kata ini beckham tu baik orangnya. tak macam apa yang ditunjukkan di media. Ooooh, macam tu, i kata. Wallahu'alam.

Ms B said...

Aisey... jeles jeles!

Was he mesmerised by your charms? ;-)

mekyam said...

what a kicking assignment, kt! :D

3yearshousewife said...

You looked petite standing next to those footballers & Sir Alex (not that I'm saying you looked otherwise ;))

Shahieda said...

Totally awesome KT!

With the launch of the FIFA draw in CT a few months back, one of my colleagues happened to bump into Beckham at Nandos of all places!

He said it was quite hilarious when everyone took out hand phones to snap pics of Beckham, hehhehe.

Salt N Turmeric said...

Wah glamour sungguh Kak Teh! Im sure ramai yg jealous esp those hantu2 football. lol.

noorizeyes photoworks said...

ooooooooo...jeles..jeles tahap gaban..

Anonymous said...

Not fair! not fair! I am so jealous (even tho' am not Red Devils fan) heeheehee

D said...

tu dia... Kak Teh will always have the fun! ;)

Hope you get better soon, Kak Teh. Ni dah nak masuk Spring ni you know what's out there!


Tommy Yewfigure said...

Wah Zah, that photo with Sir Alex is priceless, he’s da man, the living legend, ever tho I’m not a MU supporter but still I have much respect for the man. Becks (can't stand his voice), nahhh I think he’s way behind when compared to George Best (My kind of hero..hehehehe).


P/S – Where’s Rooney? Finally he’s beginning to use his head more…muahaha!

MrsNordin said...

K. Teh,

Kawan I yang giler MU is screaming jealous seeing those photos!!

(me, like you, is better at scrabble than football)

Ailin in Aalborg said...

Kak Teh, PLEASE tell me you took those Beckham pictures yourself!!!

Unknown said...

..I am always of the mind that journos got the best job in the world..the places they go..the ppl they meet..they meet, talk and parley with personalities others could only dream of..and their view is always ringside..I should have been one..and I would not mind getting my bum or any part of my anatomy sore, aside the throat, just to get my pix with sir alex..but like Tommy, I do not give a hoot about Becks..gimme Georgie anytime..

Fadhil said...

Kak Teh,

Firstly I'm not an MU supporter. But I'm sure bloody jealous anyway... lucky you!

You ada interview Sir Alex tak? Faham ke apa yg dia cakap? Hehehe...

Anonymous said...

nak jelous boleh tak makteh???? :((

Justiffa said...

Waah KT best nye..and beckham mmg a sight for sore eyes except that i wish his voice was more manly la ;p

Madam Tai Tai Again said...

Kak Teh, confession - I only minat football because of Beckham. I'm soooooooooooooooooooo jealous you got to see him close-up!!!

Kak Teh said...

Ms B, mesmerised? aaah, if only he had time to look back and me in the fourth row.

Mekyam, you can say that again! It was indeed a kicking assignment BUT I must confess towards the end of the game, my legs went frozen and I had cramps!!!

Kak Teh said...

3yrhousewife, you are too kind lah!

Shahieda, latest news is that Becks is injured and what a shame - no Becks for a long while as it will take time for his injury to heal.

Kak Teh said...

Farina, my children were not impressed as they are not ManU fans. butsome friends are deliriously jealous! banyak dah book kak teh kalau kak teh ada tiket and tak nak pergi.

am, jeles, jangan tak jeles!

Kak Teh said...

andrea, nothing in life is fair! I was there to watch the match in the evening because if i had left for an assignment the next morning, the train fare wld have been expensive, So , i killed two birds with one stone - watch match and pay cheap train ticket. watodo?

D, am still coughing and feverish. Demam Beckham kut.

Kak Teh said...

Tommy, yes, many people cant stand his voice, dia patut makan hormone lagi kut! hehe!!! But never mind : i like the strong silent types.
Rooney? I 've got some fuzzy pictures of him. He didnt stand still long enough for me to take good pictures - hehe!

Mrs N, lets have a scrabble tournament. I attended sveral world scrabble championship in london, waaaah, alangkah syoknya.

Kak Teh said...

ailin, i did, i did!! he was just a few yards away!

Pak mat, i agree with you, Georgie has got some character and was also well loved!

Kak Teh said...

Oldstock, we interviewed him as in press conference saja - and as he was leaving, I pushed my way forward to get an autograph. At the pitch, we all had the chance to talk to him and be photographed with him. The last time, Sir Boby Charlton datang cakap dengan my son.But my son pulak Barcelona fan!

dogmatil, nak tumpang jeles tak pa - silakan!

Kak Teh said...

Justiffa, tok sah bagi dia cakap - dok senyum saja.

mttnmore, beckham sudah injured!!

alif said...

laaa....orang tak paham bola boleh dapat jumpa Man U, orang gile bola tak dapat peluang langsung.....INI TIDAK ADIL.....!!!

maszuzu said...

kaakkkkk teeeehhhhhh...sungguh tidak aciiiii.... huhuuu.... how I wish I was with you....

Shahieda said...

Injured??? Does this mean he will not be attending World Cup in CT??

I know of many people who will be sorely disappointed if this is the case.

Kak Teh said...

mdNor - memanglaa dunia ni tak adil, kan?

mas, hehe - dan memang tak aciiiiii!

Kak Teh said...

shahieda, he was injured recently, torn ligament and quite serious. Not that I know much about football , but it seems he might not be able to play for about six months! Luckily I got to see him when he could still walk and run on his two legs.

Nurie said...

Salam Kak Teh,
Been a silent reader all this while tapi bila tengok posting ni, teruja pulak nak komen!

Wow!Beckham! Tho we all sefamily liverpool fan, untuk beckham I kena side track sikit coz he is too gorgeous!

Also luv yr posting on Amy search. My friend, lyn (maybe u know her) is still on cloud nine after the concert in london esp. dapat tangkap gambar dgn Amy which she proudly display in FB :-)

Kak Teh said...

Nurie, thanks for the beautiful words. I was exactly a fan, but being in the stadium, you sort of got into the mood and then, terus terpukau and took lots of pictures!! Begitu juga dengan Amy - ada kawan kak teh masih lagi demam Amy! hehe!

Amor Fati said...

gila kentang!!!!
dasat arrr kak teh...adoyai...bila la nk bole gi sana..huhuhu...dapat tgk stadium pun jadi la....
ari tu time diaorg datang M'sia...dapt tgk dari jauh je....huhuhu....oh old tafford...oh pak alex..oh beckham...oh kak teh... :))

Kak Teh said...

P.O.N.G. oh P.O.N.G, nak buat macam mana dah rezki kak teh dapat pergi - padhal bukannya minat pun.

Iron Butterfly said...

Whoaaahhh AUntie!! So lucky can take picture with Sir Alex and sit at media centre some more!! Eventhough I'm Arsenal fan, but to get up close and personal like that... Ahhh..... JELES!