Tuesday 9 December 2008

Twenty nine years together today, and not looking back...

And thank you Danial Ma, for such a beautiful tribute here.

But Kak Teh takes a peek here:

An Anniversary of Sorts
Thank you for another year


HSMN said...


pugly said...

Wow. Sangat kagum :-)

Happy 29th Anniversary, Kak Teh & AG!

(Share2 lah secret with the rest of us here.)

Kak Teh said...

Hanie, thanks for the eneberseri wish. Seri pun dah tak ada daaah, thus the picture from the back!

Pugs, Thank you. aaaah, apalah secret yang nak disharekan. everyone's experience is different and not to be used as yardstick.
well, may be the oftenused and well worn cliche? never take each other for granted.
andddddd....I never asked for promises.

D said...

Happy Anniversary Kak Teh & AG!!!

A marriage is a blessing - a gift that only the fortunate are able to appreciate. It's more than chemistry, but a whole concoction of love, faith, understanding, tolerance, etc, etc...

May Allah shower you both with more blessings in the years to come.

Kak Elle said...

Happy anniversary KT semoga bahgia selalu dan perkawinan akan kekal ke cucu cicit ..insya'allah

ubisetela said...

Happy Anniversary KakTeh & AG!
My doa semoga sihat sejahtera together sampai bila-bila.

Kak Teh said...

D, thank you so much. It is indeed all those concoctions and many more.

Kak Elle, terima kasih dan Insyaallah.

Anak Mami said...

Happy Anniversary Kak Teh & Awang Goneng!

Semoga kekal bahagia untuk beratus ratus tahun akan datang.

Kak Teh said...

ubi, thank you very much for kind wishes.

mamasita said...

Happy Anniversary to one of the marriages made in heaven!You're both an example to millions of married couples and those who are thinking twice about taking their wedding vows! Fairytale marriages do exist afterall!Congratulations to KT and AG!

Kak Teh said...

Anak mami, thank you!! I remember it was around this time last year that we met. Thank you for coming to our table and tegur us. It was at that cafe in Sentral Station, kan? and then you came to the booktalk at MPH! Thank you.

Mamasita, If we have inspired any, then that is wonderful but a fairytale marriage? Oh no....far from it. It is like any ordinary marriages with squabbles and laughters and tears of happiness and sadness - everything that goes into making a marriage worth clinging on to. Thank you for your kind wishes.

Ms B said...

Happy anniversary to both of you.

Dating mana tonite? *winks*

[danial][ma] said...

hej! kak teh...a day to remember, a day to cherish...may both of you have more love that bond you together for more many years to come with a lot of joy and happiness and great health physically and mentally...;-)

tireless mom said...

Dear Kak Teh

Happy Anniversary to you and Awang Goneng. Congratulations. After 29 years, alhamdulillah, masih boleh berjalan bersaing saing dan berpimpin pimpin. Some unlucky ones, although still together, berjalan together is berjalan sebatu jauhnya. Anything special tonite?

Naz in Norway said...

Kak Teh and AG,
Happy happy happy anniversary! Seri or no seri, I would have liked a picture of both of you together. Surely bagai pinang dibelah dua...still. I am sure :)
Have a nice day you two!
(my veri word today....dilisash!!!)

Anonymous said...

Heartiest congratulations.

Kak Teh said...

Ms B, Dating? hmmmmm i think it is very likely to be around your area. Nothing much. just a movie, I think , if we can finish work we are doing now.

danial ma, thanks so much for the beautiful wish!

Tireless mom, dah tua-tua tak boleh jalan jauh-jauh dah! hehe! Thanks for the wish.

Kak Teh said...

Naz, thanks - nanti nak pi ambik kat studio! nak kena pakai soft lens and then photoshop sikit - tak lah nampak kedut2 sangat.

anasalwa, thank you very much.

Ezza Aziz said...

Semuga kasih sayang berkekalan ,
dan boleh berpimpin tangan lagi ..Aminnn

Justiffa said...

Happy 29th KT.. semoga dikekalkan kesejahteraan & disemarakkan kasih sayang, dunia akhirat ;)

Anonymous said...

Kak Teh,
29 years- wow!!
happy anniversary!
have a lovely day :)

Pi Bani said...

To Kak Teh & AG: Selamat Pengantin Baru!!! Hehehe... baru 29 years together lah... here's wishing you both many many more happy years to come.

Anonymous said...

Komen Pak Malim, kucing ray yg alim.

Happy Anniversary, kata Pak Malim sambil memakai sari. Kak Teh n AG jalan nak pi mana tu, kata Pak Malim sambil menggaru kutu.

Kak Teh said...

Ezza, amin!! Thanks.

Justiffa, (just not used to calling you this), thanks for the doa and same to you!

nuriyah, thank you. Masih dalam baju kelawar lagi ni...hehe but the plan is for us to go out laa. nothing much, perhaps tea for two!

Kak Teh said...

Pi Bani, eikk, ingat kut cuti berblogging? thanks for the wish for another 29 years together! I think by then, we will both be in wheelchairs, or walking with zimmerframes together!

Pak Malim,
Terima kasih Pak Malim kak teh ucapkan, Kak teh dan Ag baru balik dr malaysia hall solat raya, cerita kak teh sambil makan roti sekaya. Dalam perjalanan ke kereta, singah sebentar minum teh dan makan cheese cake, teringat kak teh yang lupa pakai kain batik.
hari tu sungguh sejuk, kata kak teh sambil memujuk.

The Ceramic Designer said...

and jubilations..

aisay, that's all i can remember of the wordings,let me sing u another song..?? and u pretend that i'm AG??

i'm your knight in shining armour..
and i love you..
you've come into my life..
and make me whole..

may god bles the 2 of you..

Kak Teh said...

CD, Congratulations and Jubilations, I want to tell the world that you're in love with me...teng, teng teng teng...!!!

hahaha - hey , that lady song is beautiful!

Thanks CD!

Anonymous said...

29 years. Wow. That's how old I am. Amazing, Kak Teh, amazing. If only we can have such a blessed journey through life with the one we love. :)

Happy Anniversary!

Kak Teh said...

Thanks Kenny dear. waaah, you are only 29!!!

jaflam said...

Emmm that almost three decades. May health and happiness be always with you in many years to come. Happy 29 Anniversary KT & AG.

Salt N Turmeric said...

Happy 29th Anniversary Kak Teh and AG! Semoga berbahagia selalu. :)

Kak Teh said...

Dato J, yes, that's almost 3 decades! Last year we met up again on this date, didnt we? Thanks for the wishes.

Farina, thanks and my prayers for your happiness too.

Unknown said...

that is one inspiring picture, i tell you! :D

ms hart said...

Dearest Kak Teh, wishing you a very happy and memorable 29th anniversary! Both you and AG are indeed a fine example of super-duper couple and parents! Lots of doa for you and lots of hugs too since it's winter cold there and here!! (bagi chance lah we all perasan sikit, Kak Teh!!:)))

Madam Tai Tai Again said...

Kak Teh...I'm late to wish you a Happy 29th Anniversary!!

Congratulations on making it this far. Here's wishing you and AG many more anniversaries in the future. I'm sure you guys will be doing just that!

Unknown said...

Kak Teh,

Happy 29th Anniversary to u and AG.

I think at this age and time of year, u'd be happy to cuddle up with one another ehehhehe

My parents will be celebrating their 35th next year.. and they are thankful their still have fire... not what u think, they can still get on each other nerves they say muahahahhahahha

Anonymous said...

29 years? wow... how did you do it?

Congratulations Kak Teh

Chet said...

Happy anniversary, Kak Teh!

Ooo ... a year ago, you and your beloved were at Seksan's where he gave a reading! When are you gracing the place with your presence again?

ManaL said...

Here's wishing u that the romance is forever a happily ever after fairytale.

So, do u still blush-blush when u guys alone?

mekyam said...

heartfelt congratulation kt and ag on your 29th!

such enviable awesomeness!

you both are such an inspiration!


wanshana said...

Happy 29th Anniversary, Kak Teh and AG! Here's wishing you many, many more years of bliss and jalan berpimpin tangan together.

God bless :)

MHB said...

Congratulations, Kak Teh & dear hubby!!

May Allah continue to shower you with his blessings, always...

Hugs from us

ryann said...

selamat hari ulang tahun.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kak Teh,

Happy 29thy Anniversary to the both of you. Here's wishing you both more wonderful years to come.

I agree with some here, what a cute cheeky photo. Apt for the caption.

AuntieYan said...

Salam kak Teh,

Semoga Allah memberkati kehidupan Kak Teh sekeluarga.

Happy 29th. anniversary!

p/s: saya akan sambut pada April next year insyaallah...:-)

Anonymous said...

Salam Kak Teh,

Happy 29th Anniversary to you and AG. Semoga Allah memberi Rahmat dan BarokahNya sentiasa. InsyaAllah...

Mama Rock said...

kak teh, wow! taht is a looooonnnnng time. happy anniversary and here's to many more wonderful years to come.

Mulan said...

happy anniversary kak teh..!!

happy, happy & happy forever..

Anonymous said...

Dear Kak Teh,

Happy Anniversary! Semoga dipanjangkan umur,dimurahkan lagi rezeki to you and AG.


IBU said...

Dearest kak Teh & Abg AG,

Happy Anniversary.... Semoga terusssss kekal bahagia.

p/s Jgn pandang belakang. Ada Pierre Andre .... tee hee hee

Fauziah Ismail said...

Salam Kak Teh
Happy Anniversary to you and Awang Goneng.
May you have many more years together and may Allah SWT continue to shower you both with His blessings, insya'Allah.

Chahya said...

Congratulations Kak Teh.
Happy Anniversary.

Argus Lou said...

Here's wishing you and your beloved many, many more years of good health and happiness, dear Kak Teh.

Anonymous said...

29 years ago - I kat mana, buat apa, besar mana, tengah boleh apa yerrr... tak pandang belakang ? Isssh... tak boleh , kena pandang belakang sambil kita terus ke depan.

Semoga terus ke depan Kak.

Rahiza Haszian Abdul Rahim said...

Tahniah Kak Teh.Wishing you many more happy years to come. :)

Anonymous said...

wow..talking abt hitting the big three-O next year..insyaAllah..

semoga berbahagia selalu di samping anak2 (dan bakal cucu-cucu)


Anonymous said...

Shukur Alhamdulilllah. Semoga kak teh sekeluarga sentiasa di rahmatiNYA!

Honeytar said...

Ohhh meee oh myyy... I've missed one BIG celebration here...


May happiness embrace you both ever after !

I just LOVE the photo! :)

Kak Teh said...

akmal, that picture was taken without our knowledge, by our daughter whow as trailing behind.

ms hart, tahnk you for kind words and I wish the same for you and yours too.

aida, yes the weather is a good excuse to cuddle up! A happy 35th anniversary to your parents too!

Kak Teh said...

elviza, yes 29 years. With me - i never expected much and just take each year as it comes. I will want to read about your 29th year in your blog!

chet, yes, you remembered. Then it was our 28th anniversary. well, around that time.

manal, blush? of course masih. and as long as you can still miss a heartbeat you know it is still alive and well.

Kak Teh said...

mek yam, hugs to you too. It is my wish that one day we will meet and hug, ya?

wanshana, thank you and my best wishes to you too.

my heartbleeds, God bless you and your girls. Take care.

Kak Teh said...

ryann, terima kasih.

Ruby, it was by chance that i saw the photograph in my son's camera and at that time i was too busy to write an entry,so i thought why nit just a captioned picture!

auntieyan, terima kasih, dan kita menunggu dan mendoakan yang terbaik bagi ulangtahun auntieyan!

Kak Teh said...

zabs, terima kasih dan amin! Insyaallah, Dan kak teh juga mendoakan kebahagian dan kesejahteraan zab sekeluarga.

mama rock! I also pray for your happiness and prosperity!

mulan, terima kasih.

Kak Teh said...

meandbaby, how are you?lama tak dengar khabar!

Ibu, pierre andre? sapa tu? kak teh terpaksalah google. anyway, hope to read aby your 29th year together!

fauziah, thanks and thank you for being a friend.

Kak Teh said...

chahya, thank you for your kind wishes.

argus, the same to you and looking forward to more online scrabbling with you!

ruzzlan2312, aaah tak boleh pandang belakang selalu, nanti tersepak batu dan tersungkur.

Kak Teh said...

iza, terima kasih kerana singgah dan juga ucapan.

fatihah, yes, the bih 30 is next year. Insyaallah!

Kak Teh said...

acciaccatura, thanks so much for the kind wishes.

Honeytar, amboi lamanya tak nampak. how's Tok Li?

ummisara said...

kak teh,

belated anniversary to u & a.g


Kak Teh said...

edelweiss, thank you, thank you!

mad redo1 said...

as usual, mad redo1 is a bit behind everybody else.

so I raise my mug of teh tarik Aik Cheong and wish you and AG "HAPPY 29th ANNIVERSARY!"

may your union be blessed till the end.

Kak Teh said...

Matredo1, Thank you for that mug of Aik Cheong Teh tarik! Much appreciated!