Friday 27 April 2007

On the 1302 from King's Cross with Tunku Halim

Perhaps I was not meant to take the 1258 from King’s Cross. The mini cab driver had foolishly taken the wrong lane and the turning into the busy station at that time of the day was choc-a-bloc! But as fate would have it the 1302 was standing on Platform 8 ready to go. I huffed and puffed lugging two bags in search of a quiet seat by the window, far away from other passengers. The rush meant I didnt have time to get that much needed latte from Starbuck and when the train pulled away from the platform, I allowed my mind to wander off to
44 Cemetery Road.

Yes, Malaysia’s prince of darkness is back with a new book.

Cemeteries, if I may state the obvious, are fertile grounds for imaginative minds. I have not read 44 Cemetery Road as I have yet to get one sent to me from home but I do know what it feels like walking along cemetery roads.

The title of Tunku Halim’s new book brought to mind the early morning walks with Mak to the mosque for subuh prayers. The Jerai, protective and majestic in the daytime, posed a more sinister feature hovering over us in the dark before the break of dawn. From a distance, clusters of women in white telekungs seemed to be floating towards the mosque as the call for prayer broke the early morning silence. The smell of the cempaka flowers pervaded the cool morning air but the sweetness of the smell usually gave me the shivers. We used to call the flowers that fell scattered on the final resting place of the residents of the cemetery adjacent to the mosque, bunga kubur.

Entering the compound, Mak would remind us to give salam to the residents of the cemetery: “Assalamualaikum Ya ahli kubur”, I would hurriedly mutter without looking left or right and I’d clutch Mak’s arm even tighter. I’d imagine eyes looking at me from every corner, I’d hear all kinds of shrieks and screams and laughter coming from graves with their tilting headstones. I’d remember tales of restless souls wandering the nights and returning at dawn, stories about ghosts of women who died during childbirth said to be residing on big trees bordering the compound. These were stories we children would exchange with each other in hushed tones during the day, and these were stories that’d keep us awake during the nights.

Anyway, I am sure 44 Cemetery Road has plenty to offer to keep us awake during the night but to get a taste of Tunku Halim’s treatment of horror stories, I fished out his other book “The Woman Who Grew Horns & Other Works” from my bag. The stories kept me company on the 1302 from King’s Cross.

There are many stories to choose from but as someone who did a paper on “The Monstrous Feminine in South East Asian Cinemas” I opted for ‘Night of the Pontianak’ for I was certain the monstrous feminine is lurking in there somewhere.

As the First Capital Connect whizzed past the English countryside, I found myself engrossed in the story with rich Malaysian flavour. Tunku, although residing in Australia, proved to be a true Malaysian; detailing food and the art of eating food as only Malaysians know how, in most of his stories. The setting here is a Kampung Pandan stall, in another its the Coffee Bean, Jalan P Ramlee.

The harmless banter between three friends, one woman and two men, was light and easy – like starters and appetisers before the main meal. The beginning chugged along well to the speed of the First Capital Connect – no hurry, no fuss. And in fact by the time we reached Hornsey, everything was still hunkydory with the three old friends. By the time we reached Alexander Palace, the narrator was still nursing hopes of a romance with his former uni mate. But this being a horror story, things had to take a sinister turn and as if on cue the First Capital Connect began to gain speed in rythm with my heartbeat.

My heart pounded like bleeding fist in my head. The car skidded and swerved as I raced down the hill and I nearly got killed as it almost ploughed into the jungle.............”

And at this point I jumped.

“Ticket please, madam” said the First Capital Connect conductor. Phew! Never do that again, I said as I handed him my ticket before returning to the book to find out what happened to the narrator and his friend. Believe me, it wasn't a pleasant sight – and yes, the monstrous feminine was there. Just as the train went into the tunnel between Gordon Hill and Crews Hill she made her appearance.


Mama Rock said...

hmmm sounds interesting, will check out the book when I get the chance.

Hi&Lo said...

Kak Teh,

You are a powerful narrator. You can merge your journey with Tunku Halim's tale and jerk me out of my lethargy.

Have you put up a night at the old Taiping Resthouse? The guest room was larger than biasa. It gave me spooky vibes.

Another male friend whose personality I thought would scare away any hantus had the fright of his life when the lights in his room suddenly switched on in the middle of the night.

Anonymous said...

Mesti cari this book, it seems.
Very interesting. Tekejut when you jumped *lol*

Fauziah Ismail said...

Salam Kak Teh
Bercerita fasal cerita seram (bukan cerita hantu), there was one Raya morning when my 22 year old nephew and I went to Bak’s grave when it was still dark.
We weren’t alone. There were families that go early because we wanted to beat the morning traffic around the cemetery.
But it was a little quiet where Bak’s grave was except for this hissing sound that got me and my nephew rather curious.
Another family – a husband, his wife and their daughter – was around the area too. We overheard him telling his wife and daughter to stay where they were while he tries to find the source of the hissing sound. Without him knowing, they actually trailed him from the behind.
It was a leaking pipe that gave out the hissing sound.
As soon as he turned to rejoin his family, he screamed. He thought he has seen ghosts probably. His wife and daughter, dressed in white, were right behind him.
His scream and our laughter could have easily woken up the dead.
Also when I was at Cambridge, new fellows were taken on a city tour. One of the places we visited was a cemetery. Until now, some of us couldn’t figure out why we were taken on a tour of the cemetery.
Have a good weekend.

Kak Teh said...

mama rock - yes, if only I am there!

hi&lo, i couldnt go to sleep after subuh so, mymind was active too! hehe! long time no see - are you okay?
I have not been to the resthouse but resthouses do have that kind of reputation. They have 'squatters'.

mar, hehehe - terkezut saya!

fauziah, my sister was visiting a cemetary as well - she was alone as her husband went to find something. Then she heard Assalamualaikum - there was no one around and needless to say, she ran all the way tothe car.

Pi Bani said...

Kak Teh,
Bayangkanlah you tengah baring on the couch at home, tengah engrossed baca cerita horror, suddenly in comes Snowbell pouncing with another "gift" right next to your face... :)

Kak Teh said...

pi bani, banish that thought! or better still I can turn it into a short horror story!! hehe1 a kind of therapy!

Hope AdDict said...

salams... my mum taught me the same thing too when we pass cemeteries.... i just watched one horror malaysian made movie...jgn pandang belakang...not too bad...seram jugak la ..hehehe

Artemis Hunt said...

Wow, Kak Teh, what a wonderful post for TH's book. Please do one for Dark City 2 too when it's out. We'll give you a virtual sradine roll!

Kak Teh said...

linalani, i have so much abt jangan pandang belakang - i really want to have the DVD - is it out?

xeus, coming from you - queen of darkness - am flattered. hehe - tell me when Dark City 2 is coming out and are you still accepting stories?

wonda said...

Love the way you narrate! I have a "weak heart" for horror stories and the worst is reading it at bedtime. Wooooo...... Did you hear something, Kak Teh?

Kak Teh said...

wonda, i pun penakut juga tau! always pandang belakang - poooh kanan, pooh kiri!

biby cletus, thanks for the visit.

D said...

pst..pst... kak teh, can you loan me the book once you're done? I'll come down London from Coventry!

Kak Teh said...

pst pst D, when i get it from malaysia - yes. But I can lend you The Woman Who Grew Horns first! Okay?

D said...

Ooooh.... thank you, thank you. Let's see, must set a date, eh?

Anonymous said...

Hi Kak Teh,

Am flying off today. Thanks so much for your good wish. Praying for our success and happiness, insy. Take care.

Tumpang lalu,

Congrats Tunku Halim.

J.T. said...

Very interesting and entertaining, Kak Teh. I like the way you narrate. Keeps me engrossed.
Talking about spooky stuff, I saw my grandma's ghost. Yeah, I know some people won't believe it - they think it is nonsense. But I did. I pinched myself hard, closed my eyes, blinked many times, she still stood there for about 10 seconds (or so it seemed). It was 7 days after she passed away.
I get goose bumps everytime I think about it.

Uja said...

Kak Teh,

See Zeus will post comment only when she is scared stiff! Did you realise that the "44, Jalan Kubur" thread in rantauan is gone? GONE. Hilang.Mysteriously.
I was just checking today and it was not there.
Now I am really spooked!!

NorAiniJ said...

Salam Kak Teh, thanks for your recent visit to my tiny blog. You sound a bit cheerful..hehe, I hope the backache has decided to leave you.

I must say, I am not quite familiar with Tunku Halim’s work besides his writing in his blog. But after your interesting review here, I will sure look for his books in my very next visit to Kino KLCC.

Jane Sunshine said...

ooooo...creepy crawlies.

Artemis Hunt said...

Kak Teh, DC2 is out in July. I've closed submissions on Feb 28th, but there is DC3 coming out and would really love you to do one of your stories for it. It doesn't have to be dark, merely must have a twist in the end. You can do it Jeffrey Archer irony style! And set it in London!

Hi&Lo said...

Kak Teh,

I am always around at your blog everyday enjoying the conversations except Tue which is my day off.

In between work I hop a few blogs besides yours, Ruby, Uncle Lee and Pak Idrus for therapy.

Hope your back problem has banished. Keep well, Kak Teh.

Kak Teh said...

d, i was in Manchester yesterday but that was a quick visit - someone died and we went to ziarah. If ever i am going to Coventry - will let you know.

ruby, i know you wont be able to read this until yr return. But doas all the way for you.

j.t. serious??? that is scary! When i got married, we went back to my late father in law's house for the first time. that night, I dreamt some one in white baju, seating in the front hall. I described him to my husband - he said that must have been his late grandmother, who used to sit there.

Kak Teh said...

nj, my back is much better, thank you but i must remember not to make sudden turns.

jane, yikes - hate creepy crawlies.

uja, there's a reason for that. Just after i posted that piece and you commented, I received news about the death of noni's mother in law in manchester. So, I consulted elva and we both thought that we shd keep the piece first as the timing was not quite right. we will republish it soon and start a discussion.

xeus, yes! yes! must start researching.

hi&lo, thanks. hehe - u have a blog off day?

Kak Teh said...

yes,anon,we all need to be reminded of death.

Theta said...

Kak Teh,
My mom also taught us to give our salam whenever we're passing a cemetery area in a car. My sisters and I would comply as well as be perfectly still as if we're statues!

Theta said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
High Power Rocketry said...

: )

Kak Teh said...

theta, yes, I know the feeling very well. Still feel the shivers. There is one cemetery for Muslims in London called Garden of Peace - I must say, it does live up to its name- so peaceful and quiet and very tidy.

r2K, :) to you too.

Anonymous said...

mSpooky stories eh Kak Teh... Wow... I'm sure penakut if I read Malay ghost stories...but can stand if it's about vampires or draculas... y'know, I hv this thinking that I won't be seing those ghosts here in M'sia...Buleh?

Hope your back pian has gone, ya sis.

ManaL said...

Speaking of spooky stuff, did u manage to catch 9 3/4 platform at king's cross?

Jahatnya monster betina itu, kak teh....sib baik kakteh tak melatah with curses...

ps: Such an effect it has on u, this tunku halim's book. Must be that horrifyingly good eh?

Kak Teh said...

raden,i think there are ghosts everywhere! cuma bahasa dan budaya dia lain sikit- hehe...
hmmmmy back is still the same - i went to the park yesterday and played ball!

manal, saja buat-buat takut tu...nak menambahkan suspense!

Kenny Mah said...

Love your "review" interspersed with your journey from King's Cross. Wah, it's like getting TWO writers for the price of ONE in a single blog entry, hee hee.

You have amazing powers to evoke real life. :D

Lee said...

Hello Kak Teh, what you posted reminds me of old days in KL. We used to cycle very fast at nights, especially after midnight shows past that cemetery in Jalan Ampang. Sometimes can get that bunga chimpaka scent too, making us whistle louder. Ha ha.
Here's a smile for you:
A man walking at night by a graveyard nervously heard some sounds. He quickened his steps. Then he saw a man working on a tombstone. He said, "oh boy, am I glad to see you. What are you doing"?
Man answers, "Ohh, I'm just correcting my name, they spelt it wrongly".
You have a great day, Kak Teh. UL.

Kak Teh said...

kenny, sometimes bored out of my wits in the train, i let my imagination run wild. Its good to let that happen once in a while. I am also doing a collection of train journey stories.

uncle lee, I laughed out so loud that i could feel the pain in my back again! That is so funny! Thanks for the visit.

The Angry Medic said...

And what have we learnt from this, Kak Teh?

To always take Virgin.

That way the worst you'll face are marauding Red Indians (ohohoho geddit? See, I DO watch TV sometimes!)

Heh. I hear you're meeting Tan Twan Eng on Friday? We get to meet him tomorrow when he drops by Cambridge! I'll make sure to grab a pic with him. Now where'd I put that copy of his book...

Kak Teh said...

the angry medic,
It was saturday that I took Virgin - must say compared to BR and First Capital Connect - it is very comfortable. BUT early morning to manchester is £59!!!!
anyway,yes, hopefully Yang May will turn up as well for dinner. Do tell abt Cambridge.

KopiSoh said...

How did you know I was a sucker for ghost stories, being a "sensitive" I get more than my share of all these encounters sigh even in Mat Salleh country which is weird as I used to think all these were implanted in our minds as children and reinforced by the offerings placed strategically at the foot of trees at road corners and such. I must find the Horn book that you mention, where to buy ah? Malaysia cheaper or shud I go to Did you write any ghost story books?

Lee said...

Hi Kak Teh, I was reading your previous posting below re old songs. Just curious you remember this song?...used to sing when young.
Chan Mali Chan

Di mana dia anak kambing saya?
Anak kambing saya yang makan daun talas
Dimana dia buah hati saya?
Buah hati saya
Bagai telur diku pas

Chan mali chan
Chan mali chan
Chan mali chan
Ketipung payung (twice)

Di mana dia anak kambing tuan?
Anak kambing tuan di atas jambatan
Yang mana dia bunga pujaan?
Si bunga tanjung dihujung dahan

Chan mali chan
Chan mali chan
Chan mali chan
Ketipung payung (twice)

Kalau nak tahu anak kambing saya
Anak kambing saya di dalam bilik
Kalau nak tahu intan payung saya
Intan payung saya yang kecil lah molek

Chan mali chan
Chan mali chan
Chan mali chan
Ketipung payung (twice)

Di mana dia anak kambing tuan
Anak kambing tuan yang bulunya kuning
Yang mana dia buah hati tuan?
Buah hati tuan yang putih lah kuning

Chan mali chan
Chan mali chan
Chan mali chan
Ketipung payung (twice.)

Have a great day, Kak Teh.

Tunku Halim said...

Kak Teh - thanks a million for putting up this post on my book. I'm glad that you're enjoying my writing!

Ghosts are so interesting, aren't they? Just start a cerita hantu and everyone goes quiet, they want to know all about it!

Ordinary Superhero said...

Horror stories are banned for my kids to watch in my house. Nanti penat I nak kena teman every time any one of them nak pegi toilet.

KakNi said...

Tak sangka no Kak Teh ni peminat cerita seram jugak eh...

Kak Teh said...

Firehorse, how is it as kids, although we were scared of ghosts, we still wanted to hear more ghost stories. Asklah someone to send over the book to you.

Uncle Lee, of course I know chan mali chan - used to be the song that we sang at all functions - everyone knew the wordings and as for the rythm - it is so infectious. U'll find yrself humming it. You can even create yr own rhyme:

Di mana dia anak kambing saya,
anak kambing saya orang sudah beli,
di mana dia kawan baru saya,
kawan baru saya yang nama uncle lee!
Chan mali chan, chan mali chan...

Kak Teh said...

Tunku, I am having to hide the book from my son as he needs to revise for his exams. Once over, I'm sure he will hunt for the book!

OSH, sounds like me laaa. Selalu pak kena teman mana-mana pun!

ahni, memang sukaaaaaa!

Lee said...

Hi Kak Teh, Love your humour. Here's an oldie for you.
Di Tanjung Katong
Di tanjung katong, airnya biru,
Disitu tempatnya, dara jelita,
Duduk sekampung, lagikan rindu,
Kononlah pula nun jauh di mata,
Kak Teh ya la kawan baru.
You have a great day, Kak Teh. UL.

Daphne Ling said...

Oh dear...This is the first time visiting your blog, and I end up with a heart that is beating at 150 beats a minute...

I am sooo not going to sleep tonight...Grave yards give me the willies...

Yes, I am the world's greatest *chicken*...

I wonder why? After all, isn't death a natural part of this cycle called life? I know it's inevitable, but somehow it's sad that we're all going to become just that: A cold, lifeless body...But we're going to a better place, no? =)

But thanks for sharing the book...Who knows? I might read day *Shudders*...

Daphne "Sleeping-with-the-lights-on-tonight...and-tomorrow" Ling

Kak Teh said...

Uncle Lee, you are really dragging me down memory lane. All these songs!!! I bet the younger ones tak tau, kan?

I saw someone posted a song,
nona, nona zaman sekarang,
tak boleh ditegur tak boleh dilarang.

Incidentally, nona is my daughter!

Kak Teh said...

daphne, oh dear!
yes, death is part of living. it is inevitable. But thanks for visiting. Will come over to your blog too.

yes, sleep with the lights on!



i remember the toyol on 13th floor sometime in 1975.....

Kak Teh said...

aaah,ena, those good toyol days!! hahaha, sapa yang toyol???

Eddie Putera said...

1302 on platform 8 ?


..Kakteh, pi tikam nombor ekoq cepat.

Cerita hantu..saya naik lif satu malam. Masuk lah seorang pompuan cina muder at 13th floor. Kami dua orang jer..tetiba bau busuk yang amat sangat..rupanya saya terkentut.

J.T. said...

Oh me God... Nuraina saw a toyol???Really? Tell la.
I like ghost stories though I don't like to hear or read about it at night. I start imagining ghosts in my room
After watching "Nightmare on Elm Street", I had to sleep with the lights on for days. Scared to dream, also.

Kak Teh said...

djinsakti, you hantu tikam ke? funny, i never saw the numbers that way. Hmmm...only you can see those things..hehe!Oh yes, i heard that story before.

JT, nuraina shd be able to tell you. I have also written abt this in an old entry. No,she did not see a toyol.

Tunku Halim said...

Kak Teh - since you're in London you should visit Highgate cemetery. It's rumoured to have a vampire lurking there.

Perhaps you could take an expedition of fellow bloggers. Would be a wonderful post (if you come out alive) Ha ha ha! (mad laughter)

david santos said...

Thanks for you work and have a good day

Kak Teh said...

Tunku,my husband has visited Highgate Cemetry - to see Karl Marx's resting place and you mentioned also Francis Light's grave in penang.he went to that one too and had a fright when suddenly something moved. Apparently the kubur jaga was having a rest and slept on the slabs!

David santos,thank you and same to you.

Kenny Mah said...

O that last story about the kubur jaga is a good one. Your poor husband! Must have given him quite the fright, I can imagine. ;)

Typhoon Sue said...

back in uni, we had to go for some kursus bina semangat. one of the compulsory event was the solo camp, where we were left alone in the dark in one part of the jungle.

i was tough so it wasn't a problem to me, until i heard some weird sounds and felt something tapping me on the head. i was so scared i just covered myself with the poncho and closed my eyes for the entire hour till the facilitator came to fetch me.

it turned out to be nothing - there was a monkey on a tree, throwing things down at me!

Blabarella said...

KT, this post of yours triggered my memory on one which I wrote last year, but didn't post on my blog. If you wish to have further skirmishes with the netherworld, have a read HERE.

Hi&Lo said...


My hair stand on ends reading your blog.

Hyatt Kota Kinabalu had a room on 4th floor which was believed to be haunted. It was always kept vacant. The whole floor now converted to function rooms.

One MAS pilot didn't believe in such things. He insisted on taking the room. Middle of night he had to run down panting to ask for a change of room.

Believed every hotel has a certain room with invisible squatters. Be advised not to insist check in after told rooms are full.

Kak Teh said...

kenny,it did give him a fright but didnt deter him. There's some kind of fascination there.

sue, welcome back. So who was monkeying around? The monkey must be having some fun there.

blabs, dare i go alone?

Hi&Lo, oooh you read it first? I was at the Hyatt sabah yonks ago to interview someone but i was so jetlagged that had anything strange
walk passed I wouldn't have noticed.

Hi&Lo said...

Kak Teh,

Did you try Hyatt's sup tulang? It was Tun Dr Mahathir's favourite dish. But not sure it is as good as before.

Blabarella said...

Tumpang lalu, KT.

Hi&Lo, actually there are more tales, but perhaps I'll save that for another day. ;)

KT, perhaps you should get Tunku Halim to hold your hand as you read my piece, I'm sure he'll be good company!!

Tunku Halim said...

Kak Teh - I suppose we now have to arrange an expedition to Transylvania to visit Vlad the Impaler's castle!

Hi&Lo - see what the number 4 does to the 4th floor of Hyatt Kuantan. I'm sure there are lots of spooks in various hotels.

Blabarella - I'm always good company :)

Kak Teh said...

Hi&lo, i cant remember what I ate there - but I was thereon a very short afternoon and wanted to get back to KL as i was already tired of flying and seeing airports. But if i had had that soup, perhaps it would have changed my memories of that afternoon in KK.

KT, am sure being the gentleman he is, he'd hold my hand. And blabs, that first chapter rocks laaa! more more!

Tunku, an expedition? do i have to bring garlic, kemian and all?

Hi&Lo said...

Kak Teh,

Abt 2 years ago, a lovestruck couple jumped to their death in Hyatt. The boy's family had long term tenancy of that room to turn it into a shrine.

Well, remembered Hyatt at one time used Mahathir's endorsement of its sup tulang but the ad had to be withdrawn due to protocol.

Tunku Halim, what a coincidence Hyatt Kuantan pun juga. The worst national nightmare is 4th floor in in Putrajaya. {^^).

Tunku Halim, paranormal can be turned into a tourism product. Graveyards, abandoned bungalows, waterfalls, hillsides are fav spots.

I had a brief encounter in Chemor which was at one time a black area. Saw a figure with feet above ground dressed in baju Melayu.

Forgotten abt it until a nurse from Ipoh told me of dozens of askar Melayu killed while parachuting into the Reds stronghold.

Kak Teh, thanks for the privilege of addressing Tunku Halim.

Kak Teh said...

wow hi&lo, you certainly have a lot to share with us. My experience at Hyatt KK came back to haunt me recently . perhaps i will blog abt it one of these days. But i must tell you that when we were driving to Terengganu and stopped by in Kuantan as it was quite late and raining heavily. We stayed at a hotel, which i cant for the life of me recall the name. We were too tired to care but someone told us his experience of either waking up in te wrong room or on the other side of the room. Weird.

am sure Tunku Halim is taking notes..hehe

Hi&Lo said...

Kak Teh,

Great if you can blog on paranormal discussion. Is this thing cultural perception or something real?

My aunt was a nurse in Penang GH. I used to follow my uncle to pick her up from work at night.

That time still in primary school. Was very curious to see ghost as we passed by Mt Erskine cementery.

Only in Ipoh, my wish came to pass. Aha, be careful what we wish for. {^^}

IBU said...

kak teh,
kat sana ada hantu jugak ke?

p.s I bought the book tadi, thanks to your hair-raising awareness entry. hehehh... kak teh can claim commission fr TH lah :)

simah said...

memang gerun kan kalau nak jalan sebelah kubur.. kat kubur ni memang selalunya kena kacau ker akak or is it just the perception we get from watching too many horror movies?

still.. kalau ada kubur area waktu malam.. i will still stay far away from it hehehe

Kak Teh said...

Hi&lo, since reading Tunku Halim and Xeus's Dark City, I am now that way inclined. Perhaps in my next entry i will try - and the key word is TRY. hehe Xeus I am not and Tunku Halim I will not try to be. But it will be a fun exercise to see how far i can stretch my imagination.

ibu,kak teh rasa ada laaah. There were a few happenings at the old malaysia hall. seram. Ada budak yang dirasuk. In fact even ustazand a few other men couldnt restrained her. She was so strong.

simah, i think usually it is our active imagination.

Tunku Halim said...

Kak Teh, I'm definitely taking notes! Lots of horror goodies here!!

I'm sure you can write your own dark tale. If it's your first time at it maybe make your room all gelap at night just for the right mood. Then start your own story . . .

Kak Teh said...

Tunku, thanks for the tip and also thanks for being such a sport, sharing with us in, your experience.

elisataufik said...

Adus, mula2 heart attack when the conductor interrupted you, now sakit perut ketawa reading Fauziah Ismail's comment :D

I will definitely look out for Tunku Halim's books.

Kak Teh said...

elisa, get it and let me know how it goes.I 've yet to receive my copy from home. Don't switch off the lights though!

Apandi said...

Kak teh, maybe you should start by actually seeing the other side face to face first. Here's what you do, face a mirror in a dark room preferably late at night (so its quiet with no distractions) with a candle placed right behind you (not too close - don't burn your hair or anything) and stare. Then tell us what you see....if you dare he he he.

Kak Teh said...

apandi, i might scare myself laa like that! hahah!