Semoga sanak saudara dan kawan rakan
yang menjalankan ibadat haji mendapat haji mabrur.
Our prayers and thoughts to victims of floods and landslide
and other disasters in the world.
PS. It has been a GUiT year too! Happy one year of GUiT!
Semoga sanak saudara dan kawan rakan
yang menjalankan ibadat haji mendapat haji mabrur.
Our prayers and thoughts to victims of floods and landslide
and other disasters in the world.
PS. It has been a GUiT year too! Happy one year of GUiT!
Kak Teh,
Hari ini wukuf di Arafah,Kemuncak doa ada lah antara pukul 5.09pm - 10.38pm waktu Malaysia. Mari lah kita beramai ramai mendoa kan kesejateraan seluruh umat Islam di dunia ini. Henti kan sengketa sesama Islam..Aminnn
Selamat menyambut Aidil Adha.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha to Kak Teh & family too. Yes, our hearts sank reading on the recent landslide victims, kan Kak Teh. But things happen as a reminder for all; so let's learn our lessons well. Kak Teh keep warm ya, musim sejuk-sejuk ni. Masak apa lah tu agaknya?:)
Thank you for the Hari Raya message. Our response follows your message in almanar. Are you not by any chance having a white Hari Raya Haji to precede and outdo the white X’mas?
Selamat Hari Raya.
Abang Ngah
Kak Teh,
Happy Eidil Adha to you and family. Sadness glooms as we take in the news on the Bukit Antarabangsa tragedy. Guess that's what happens when man tempers with nature...
Stay warm Kak Teh and have a good festives :)
Ezza, thanks for update. Insyaallah!
Ms Hart, yes, in our joy, we spare athought and doa for them. everything that happens is a reminder to us. Hopefully the government and those involved will think twice abt such projects.
Abang Ngah, no white raya . It is veryu cold but i dont think it will snow.
kay,how true. Nature retaliates when it is being interfered with too much. Have a good break and enjoy your hols.
kak teh,
eidul adha mubarak! hope that we are closer to Him by day, and will soon be His guests, ya? InsyaAllah...
ps: boleh datang beraya? ;)
Happy Eidil Adha to you and family.
Yes its sad to learn of the landslide and my sympathy and al-fathiha to the families.
Selamat Hari Raya AidilAdha to u & family
Komen Pak Malim kucing ray yg alim.
Selamat Hari Raya Haji, kata Pak Malim sambil memegang tudung saji. (Nak cari ketupat, kata kucing ray yg merempat).
Di, sure, datang, datang! Tapi bawa kueh raya sendiri, ok? Have a good raya with the children!
Kak Elle, sempena hari raya, kak elle ada rumah baru dan kak teh dah pun melawat rumah baru kak elle.
chahya, same to you!
Pak Malim, hari raya pakai baju batik atau kain songket, kata kak teh sambil naik roket. Datanglah ke rumah kak teh, berhari raya dengan tabby dan gizmo dan snowbell serta moaner dan kissinger, pelawa kak teh bersahaje!
Komen RAY, tuan punya kucing Pak Malim yg alim.
Salam, Kak Teh.
Bukit Antarabangsa where the landslide occurred, was where my grandma, uncle and his family used to live for the last 10 years. They moved to a new house some 20 km away recently. I remember driving past the (now) landslide area on my way to my uncle's house during Raya
and other days. The tragedy reminds
me not too take life 'too seriously' - i.e Hari ini kita marah2 dan sakit hati, esok kita mati. Thanks for allowing Pak Malim and I to share our thoughts and leave our comments in your blog (kata kawannya, si Goblog).
Ray, selamat datang ke blog kak teh tanpa Pak Malim,
Betul kata Ray. Dari tragedi sebegitu kita sedar hidup ni terlalu singkat dan berharga/bernilai. While we enjoy life, we do what is expected of us..Insyaallah.
I hope where they are now wont be affected. Minta Allah lindungi kita daripada segala bahaya dan bencana.
Another stampede is bound to happen. How many will die this time? 25? 75? 150?
When will people learn?
R2K, stampede? Pray to God it wont happen.
Tak Habis2 Lagi Komen Pak Malim, kucing ray yg alim.
Kak Teh,
Saya tak pakai baju batik atau songket, kata Pak Malim sambil berjengket-jengket. Pakai baju lama, kot bulu belang warna kuning, kata Pak Malim yg pening. Dry Clean aje, kata Pak Malim sambil duduk atas meja. Ahak2 Pak Malim tertawa terbahak2 sambil menunjukkan giginya yg rongak.
Pak Malim, kak teh pun pakai baju lama, tapi sejuk di sini kena pakai jaket tebal, kata kak teh sambil bebal. Tak boleh bergaya dengan kasut tumit tinggi atau baju jarang sebab nanti demam dan jangkit orang, kata kak teh macam nak berperang.
Pak Malim takbuat ketupatkah, tanya kak teh sambil memberi sedekah.
Kak Teh, Salam Qurban. Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha.
Kak Teh,
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha to you and your family.
What a sad and terrible tragedy to end the year with.. It just shouldn't have happened again at the same area. When we will learn our lesson?
Dear Kak Teh
Same here. Selamat hari raya Qurban. We pray and hope that the victims of the land slide find strength and comfort as we celebrate the raya haji. We have to be vigil mendengar jeritan alam too.
selamat hari raya haji to ag and you and yours, kt!
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha to you and family as well Kak Teh!
Talqin, Selamat hari raya aidil adha to you too! Thanks for the visit.
Madam Tai Tai, Have a good celebration with the family.
The disaster shouldnt have happened. How many lives must be lost before developments in these areas are stopped? Our prayers to them.
Tireless Mom, selamat hari raya to you and family! There's too many mindless planning.
mekyam, have a good day too with your loved ones!
Farina,salam aidil adha to you and yours!
Selamat HR Eiduladhd utk Kak Teh dan keluarga.
zabs, selamat hari raya to you and family too.
Salam Kak Teh
Selamat Hari Raya Korban to u and family..
Kat Kuantan ni mendung semacam jer..yesterday hujan langit tak celik lansung.Kat Indera Mahkota pulak-my house blackout since kul 12pm sampai lah pagi ni kul 7am baru ok...Hmm...jap lagi nak balik Temerloh -my kampung..yahoo...
Selamat Hari Raya Korban Kak Teh, AG dan keluarga. Banyak dapat daging korban? Tak masak daging kicap ke? My word verification is avariz (avarice?), which is a timely reminder for me. Followed by hyppiza (hip pizza), of which I have no inclination to nibbble at the moment.
kak teh dear,
salam aidil adha from both of us. I am unfortunately at work.
Berkorban. *smiles*
Kak Teh,
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha to you and family.
Its been raining non stop the whole day. Gloomy and sejuk macam London pula.
Bila Kak Teh and AG nak visit Malaysia, Nana akan sambut penuh gembira bersama Pak Malim yang asyik ketawa.
Salam. NanaDJ
Hello Kak Teh, selamat hari raya and my very best regards to you and family.
You keep well, keep warm and have a great week.
Any snow there yet? Kita sini last night, this morning tempe chilly at -14'!
Outside all white....tak paya play that old incik Bing Crosby song, "I'm dreaming of a white X'mas", ha ha.
Stay easy, Kak Teh, Lee.
Lagi Lagi Komen Pak Malim, kucing ray yg alim.
Saya setuju dgn NanaDJ. Seronoknya kalau Kak Teh balik Malaysia, kata Pak Malim sambil memeluk bohsia. Then I'd really like to say to Kak Teh :
'Welcome back!' kata Pak Malim sambil memakai baju bareback.
Selamat menyambut tahun baru 2009. Semoga sukses menyertai anda semua.
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