This is just a preview of what's to come this week-end. Be prepared for a Russian invasion of Trafalgar Square this Saturday as there will be a Russian Winter Festival. I was on my way to work when I spotted this wonderful sculpture in ice and that was in the morning when it was still cold but by evening, it was already melting, what with spotlights in different colours training on it, changing the shades much to the delight of passers by.
So, this Saturday, if you are not doing anything , please head towards Trafalgar Square. I know someone will be there - blogger Pu1pu3 who is in town for a meeting. After meeting her at Benjys along the Strand and before the promised koayteow at Mawar Restaurant and a meeting with blogger Ewok, I took her to see the sculpture and how much more beautiful it is at night!
The Royal Jester aka Pu1pu3, visiting the sculpture of St Basil's Cathedral in Trafalgar Square

Kak Teh, I don't like cold weather... makes me depressed and want to eat. I'll pass the Kremlin and take Honolulu any day... but kena gi buat liposuction dulu... hehe. Hope u and all ur loved ones r happy and healthy Kak Teh.
Salam noni, I dont like it too but what to do. Cari makan di negeri orang macam ni lah. Honolulu? belajar tarian gelek dulu! hehe..Take care!
the ice sculpture looks really good. take more photos of it kak teh! night scenes, of course ;)
Looks amazing! Wish I could be there!
Pu1Pu3 sure looks more 'vogue'than her usual iconic pic!
may, it was better in themorning when it was still very cold. Insyaallah - kalau masih ada - kalau tidak ambik gambar airnya saja - hehe.
mami, Yes - it is amazing and i think tomorrow it'll be even more colourful.
Jane - let's destress!!! I know the prescription for that!
DITH - yes - she sure is vogue !I enjoyed watching her eat!
Alamak!Vogue ke?Chewah.Menggigil ada la.Was freezing cold.Thanks DITH.
Kak Teh, jgn la sebut.heheh...Pelahap kan I ni?Tak vogue dah.
BTW. THANK YOU SOOO MUCH FOR THE LOVELY TIME!!!! ALLAH aje dapat balas budi Kak Teh. I've updated about it as well. Come la read.
Putri - the pleasure is mine!! Hope to meet u again!
wah,the ice sculpture of st basil looks nice...ive seen the real one,looks nice too...
-malaysian in moscow-
kak teh, art fadzil masih di mawar?
Nur, u are very lucky!! I met someone - a Malaysian from Moscow at Heathrow two weeks ago - and she said it is sooooooooooo cold there. Thanks for visiting Nur.
AJ - yes, Art is still a regular there and I met him at Mawar solat prayers last Monday. Any message to kirim?
pesan? err... entah. cuma jika ada masa terluang saya ingin melihat dia bernyanyi. mahu tahu jadualnya.
Art biasanya menyanyi setiap hari ahad malam sabtu di mawar diiringi mofa. AJ sekarang di mana?
errks... kak teh... this is so uncanny... i had a huge crush on art fadzil once upon a time and was just thinking about him earlier today. I wonder if he still remembers me... erks.. I wonder if he's still single... hehehe....
nonie - he is single mingle - yes , that I know. Heheh - adapun gambar raya berdua dengan art. He is just like a brother to me and an older brother to my children. Will let him know.
Kak Teh
I had to give a miss to icy Russia in Trafalgar square, no matter how tempting it looked. Had a Key, calling.
Hope you had a great time.
Lovely pics.
Kak Teh
So we have met, but not proper. Was busy running around haritu, tak sempat nak sembang sembang.
Sejuk ? mai melawat tang ni, hangat amat amat sbb la ni tengah dok summer, sampai nak begetah badan, sebab peloh.
Pindah sini last Oct, husband attached with one of the Oz's company pulak. How long ? tatau lagi as we have 4 years visa. Busan busan balik la menetap ke Manchester semola.
actually,selalu masuk sini.i love reading kakteh's story[or shud i called u makteh=p] cume tak penah leave any comment.silent reader lah katakan.yupp,moscow is definitely very cold.kalo takde kelas,mmg berhibernate dlm bilik aje la.&our jaket pon making us to look like the 'beruang kutubs'.anyway,dtgla sini=)
one word frm me kakteh, cantik!!
Count - I didnt go - It was warmer inthe house than outside. And even warmer under duvet watching tv!
Rini, yes - I can almost see the cheeky look on your son's face - he is so cute and very friendly!
Hope to see you when u are back here.
nur - mak teh pun boleh!!!
superfluous babe - thanks !!
K Teh
Brrrrr..the ice scuplture photos gives me the chills..Could just imagine the wintry air over there. Its quite rainy here in Malaysia. Yesterday went for my trekking practice kat Bukit FRIM habis kasut jadi merah courtesy of the mud. Oh yes - I was also the source of food for multiple pacats.
pu1pu3: I agree with DITH you vogue dalam gambar! Must have been lovely to meet with KT. Had a read of your updates - bestnya!
HUhuhu cantiknya, kak teh opps the sculpturelah.hehehhe...
My gambar kat trafalgar square was 24 years ago, tengah bg burung makan. must be durng the summer.
Kak Teh...cantiknya sculpture tuh! And pandai Kak Teh susun gambar2 tu.. kena belajar dari Kak Teh ni.. :)
tgh tunggu bas nak ke Trafalgar Sq, apasal bas tak sampai2 lagi eh? hhehehehe.
how lovely the ice! bestnya!
aren't they gorgeous?
btw the temp here is wickedly cold. On Sat(1/14)I only had a fall jacket when I went out (temp 54 degree). On Sunday, it was 48 in the am, by Sunday 10 pm the temp drop to 9 degree. Brutal.
KT, tumpang reply lifebloom punya comment, ya?
Lifebloom, Thanks for visiting my blog. Tgh upload gambar2 di germany ni. Hopefully by this week, its up.
anasalwa,kesian - must be horrible.
Lifebl;oom, its worse here when its wet.
arena, cerita lah sikit abt the trip 24 years ago.
honeytar - pakai photoshop saja - anak yang ajar.
ely, terlepas bas lagi?
pu1pu3- tak apa tumpanglah - tak payah bayar toll.
A'kum,saya salasiah dari shah alam.nak tanya kak teh,u tinggal(PR ) kat moscow ke coz nak mintak tlg survey tempat tinggal hotel /appartment & makan & tours untuk group dlm 200 orang nak ke sana.saya tak kenal siapa2 n blank about the country.pls helps!-thanks
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