Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Kak Teh limps back...

Kak Teh limps back...

It was not unlike a long ardous labour which resulted in the birth of Kak Teh in blogosphere at 0531 on 25th December 2004. I had had a severe case of jetlag that led to unsolicited forays into the blog world.  I met many interesting characters, some funny, some mysterious and some, well what they called SoPo.  I’d nudge my husband and ask him, SoPo tu?

And then of course there ’s no turning back!!

This attempt to return to blogdom is inducing braxton hicks, made sufferable only with an overdose of murukus.  The pressure is great, mainly because I am one half of the duo who initiated this bright idea to revive blogging.  The other half is in Stockholm and she had pressed the publish button while I am still struggling.

Anyway, a bit about Kak Teh’s Choc-a-bloc. Some of you might have forgotten.   The name was easy to choose; I had always been Kak Teh to my siblings and cousins.  Choosing the name of the blog was even easier; I was and am still a chocoholic whose life is nothing less than err, choc a bloc.  

From my first entry, I had one comment from blogger Berisman - The Reader (Pak Adib Noh).  I replied and that gained me TWO comments!! WOW!

Well, blogging gave me the freedom to write wihtout the editor standing behind my back.  I went from writing about my Mak to my family, my travels, pantuns and syaers and banterings with people like Abang Malaya, Ray Pak Malim and made lots and lots of friends who not only opened their hearts to me but also their doors and offered me a bed should I sort of appear at their doorsteps.

I have enjoyed the camaraderie that the blogworld offered.  My trips back are never the same again; a reunion with bloggers is a must.  Non bloggers think we are mad to meet up with people we never knew in real life.

Many things have happened since the last time I blogged.  My sleeping partner is a grandfather!  Well, that is because I am also a grandmother  - we are grandparents to little Iskandar who has changed our life somewhat.  We have this silly grin every time we think and talk about little Iskandar.  

We have lost all our cats - the last one Snowbell left us three days after Iskandar was born. 

My children are all working now and I cant blog about them anymore without getting a curt reminder in the family whatsapp.  

I have been bitten by the travel bug and fancied myself as a travel writer; chasing sunset, albeit limping along the way with a tripod on my back.

I love filming and editing just about anything that moves - if they sing, it is even better!

So, I guess that’s enough paragraphs that would qualify this piece as a blog and not an FB entry, right Ood?


Nazrah Leopolis said...

Haaa boleh pun. Love u.

Ruby M. said...

Yahoooo! Welcome back kak teh

Kak Teh said...

Thanks Intan, you will get a prize for being the first and only commenter!

Uja said...

Eh mana boleh? Ini ajer? Lagi lagi!

mekyam said...

*waiting with bottled water - still as aerated is not good for those trying to catch a breath* ;)

lovely write, as always!

Kak Teh said...

Uja, dah tua-tua ni sikit cukup laa. Mana ada stamina lagi.

Kak Teh said...

Mekyam, was it still aerated or aerated still? Good to see you at the finishing line...although a bit late!

Ailin in Aalborg said...

Semua dah tidoq dah Kak Teh! Har har har 😂 tinggal kami2 je

Arena said...

You made it! More please hehehe.

Kak Teh said...

ailin - berpeluh jugak laa!!

Kak Teh said...

Arena, Alhamdulillah - kalau tidak jadi macam janji tak dicapati!

D said...

Kak Teh saja bagi suspen... :P Well done & welcome back!

mekyam said...

should be: still [as in not aerated], as aerated is not good ...

the mad scamper to meet you at the finishing line made me drop that precious comma. :D

Kak Elle said...

welcome back to blogworld once again Kak Teh

Anedra said...

Apa dia SoPo tu? I am so ketinggalan!

Adib Noh said...

Alamak..I am not the first to leave a comment.Any way,thanks for getting me to blog again.Today is my 20th posting since 24/4/2015

kay_leeda said...

Looks like today is another roam the blogspace day. Lots of interesting stories everywhere.
Elegant comeback kak teh. Next one pls..sikit-sikit pun tak pe ;)

NanaDJ said...

Yeah! You are back, always a pleasure to read your blog. What about AG's?

Zendra-Maria said...

It's not the limp but the spirit in the limp... thanks for cajoling us back to the starting line :)

ummisara said...

Kak Teh,

nnt tulis lagi...rindunak baca.
as for myself...i blm start balik...tatau nak tulis apa hahaahahha

Tommy Yewfigure said...

And I thot u were gonna write about the Manny v Pacman fight!!....hahaha
Welcome back & cheerio to your sleeping partner... :)

The Ceramic Designer said...

Testing.. ;)

Kiah Kardashian said...

Welcome back kak!. Thank you for blog revive day. Bring back those memories dulu2 jalan jalan blog. Yeay sekrg boleh buat lagi

rohaizahabas said...

Welcome back my dear kak teh...grandmother macam kita akan selalu tersenyum bila bercerita ttg cucu..rasa nya itu ada lah anugerah untuk kita dari anak anak kita...we love them very much and sometimes spoil them too..
see you in yr next entry

Unknown said...

In her 'Pause to Reflect', D wrote about the need for LIKE button on blogs.
I sokong sangat2

Naz in Norway said...

Belanja JMizan dan RAzmi Strepsils hari ni.

NURAZZAH8 said...

Salam Kak Teh, maybe Kak Teh tak kenal nurazzah8, tapi long time ago I used to be your blog's silent reader...
rindu semua makcik and pakcik bloggers and a BIG THANK YOU to you and the other half in Stockholm for initiated this bright idea to revive blogging ...
yeah..FB cannot replace blogging ... the feel is not the same ...
thank you again ...

AuntyN said...

welcome back kak teh. so glad to see u here again.

Al-Manar said...

Rasa rasa kita doh juppa masa muda muda.

Mulan said...

Welcome back semua.. I never stop blogging tapi semput2 seribu bahasa.. Bila ada mood :)

Thanks Kak Teh..!!!

chiclesschia said...

Yeay you're back on the saddle. Woo hoo

shidah said...

Ala kak Teh, ni mcm Makan kacang je ni...

Mulan said...

Kak Teh.. Where's Mama Rock? Or who is Mama Rock.. :)

Yati WTL said...

salam perkenalan Kak Teh,

without your idea of #blogreviveday, blogging is just another dull thing.


tireless mom said...

Waiting for your next post ni Kak Teh #pressurepressure

Ahmad Tajuddin said...

Hope this still count as a comment, even though it look like I just miss the train.

Jim Marven said...

What Frappuccino should I get from Starbucks?
swan stand

HCI said...

Oh dear, one year delay, looks like it is unsustainable...