Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Indian Summer Blues...

My first autumn......OOOOooooooops!


Kak Ezza@makcik Blogger said...

cantik dan mendamai kan...

kak teh dan AG sihat ker..dah lama tak update blog...

salam dari klang

D said...

with beautiful colours of the foliage, I think that it's time to change your colour...

hope that you're in the pink of health,kak teh! :)

will catch up soon..(dah lama tertangguh but just so so busy & stressed out!)

Pak Zawi said...

Kak Teh,
The silhouette of the tree trunk against the blue sky seems to be artistic to me.

Sir Pök Déng said...

Reminiscing the old romance story, ma'am?

Well, the picture above has the 'sense of being there'. I imagined myself walking down that lane, under the shade of big trees and perhaps, fallen leaves while trying hard to get the image of my long forgotten lover.

mekyam said...

i so hear you, kt. at the rate the temp was falling the last couple of weeks, i thought we're heading straight for winter this year.

a few days ago i decided to nudge fall a bit with this reminder:



summer's scorchers
are no longer there,
a new season silently settles in sans much fanfare

the days are shorter
though still bravely bright
but the mercury keeps dropping, chilling each night

then leaves lushy green
gets its first lick of gold,
and soon in rush yellow and red and russet bold

as nuts and fruits scent the air
and pumpkins carved for halloween scare,
autumn announces its gorgeous glory everywhere!


since yesterday, the temp over here has gone back to high teens and is predicted to proceed to the low 20s in the following days.

so take heart dear, i think indian summer is about to beat back the blues with beautiful brown bowers after all. :D

Wan Nordin Wan Hussin said...

Are you on the verge of making a crucial decision?

Is this a preamble/teaser to a "Thirty Years Ago" posting?

What is it if it is none of the above, Kak Teh?

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Kak Teh,
Remember this song? I like the version by Phil Collins.
"When I'm feeling blue, all I have to do, is take a look at you, then I'm not so blue...."
So, take a look at me and stop feeling so blue...it's spring here and Mama's roses are starting to bloom...meow!

NanaDJ said...

Kak Teh,
you have been 'away' for quite a long time - rindulah.
Indian summer? But surely the falling leaves will soon 'drift by the window' with 'autumn leaves of red and gold'...ah, sweet memories!
Salam to you and AG

KG said...

Where have you been? Lately ada dua tiga orang asked me to come out of my boring "colours"...hmm what i do and what i wear!

[danial][ma] said...

hej! kak teh...hope you are okay...;-)

tireless mom said...

From fashion week to blues? That doesnt jive and doesnt sound good. Happy happy day kak Teh!

Mama Huptihup said...

kak teh,

hope u are doing fine...jgn blues lelema ya...*hugs*

Justiffa said...

KT - even though i like the riotus colours of spring, its the hues of autumn that actually pulls at my soul (sgt la sesuai utk warga senja mcm saya ni heheheh).

Btw did you know that the russians call it Women's Summer / Babye Leto (Бабье лето)?? wonder why ek :)

Hope u're well KT

DrSam said...

Salam Kak Teh. Very difficult to interpret the mode this time (was it the mode?).

Have a nice day Kak Teh.

Kama At-Tarawis said...

Mak uihh.. mana pi hilang lama nih?

Pat Ong said...

Hi Kak Teh, hope you are feeling better and have recoverd from being hit by the "blue-bug" :)

Take a break and do some of your favourite things, maybe? Take care...*hugs*

Justiffa said...

Ooooooh kak teh.... i hope you're ok.

*hug hug*

Memorable trails... said...

Salam Kakteh,
Hope you are fine.Your article Left high and dry appeared in NST today.
The victim could be anybody if one is not careful.

One of those depressing Indian Summers eh..but I do miss those colourful foliage...

Kak Teh said...

ezza, alhamdullillah kak teh dan AG sihat cuma kerja menimbun - tak sempat nak bernafas pun. Alhamdulillah, sibuk tu bagus, kan?

D, The colours are so beautiful, I keep stopping in my tracks to take pictures. Your part of the world must be beautiful too.

Kak Teh said...

Pak zawi, that was a fluke and I thought - hey, i captured the mood.

Pok Deng, at our age, reminiscence is the only thing we can do. All those years and not once a romp among the leaves! Now, the old joints wont permit it. And people might just put us in straight jackets if we were to do that.

NanaDJ said...

Kak Teh,
Wow, lawanya you masa muda. You and Puteri must have broken lots of hearts in your younger days! Why am I not like you all? (sob, sob...)

Unknown said...

kak teh tak boleh tahan eh tgk kak puteri letak gamba muda... tak mau kalah! hahaha (jangan marah kak teh, gurau aje...) anyways, just to let you know hukum tunjuk non-mahram gambar kita tak menutup aurat sama dosanya macam tak tutup aurat in person.. just sharing ye kak

Ailin in Aalborg said...

Thanks Kak Teh! Just what I needed to see.

Kak Teh said...

Thanks azrin!

Chahya said...

A picture paints a thousand words, & interpretations too.

How are you Kak Teh? Hope you and yours are in the best of health!

CS said...

Salam Kak Teh. You were on RTM1 this morning but I was tad too late .. sayang tak dapat dengar; dapat tengok senyuman you aje..

Pi Bani said...

Woohoo! Just saw you live on TV dengan muka mengantuk... hehehe...

yohteh said...

salam kak teh...
I'm seeing you live via skype on TV1 right now... oooo ini kakteh rupanya...!!

Kak Teh said...

Thanks all for your comments. Been quite busy lately, rushed off my feet.
and azrin, it wasnt a case of takmau kalah...but thanks for the comment.