Sunday, 4 January 2009

Let's Pray for Peace

Photos by Nona


[danial][ma] said...

hej! kak teh...we have too over here...Friday on M&S and Saturday for Gaza...will do the posting too...STOP WAR! FREE PALETISTINE!

Ezza Aziz said...

Salam Kak Teh,
Saya pun baru nak menulis pasal ni...sedih geram marah semua ada dalam hati saya ni....

jaflam said...

Hai Kak Teh,
I am in the midst of drafting same sad subject matter for my blog. Beginning to feel that this world will be a better place without Israel and USA. May God protect the Palestinians against the Israeli killing field.

MrsNordin said...

I don't know what to make out of this. I just hope they'll come to their senses and stop killing innocent people. But then again, it'll probably take a miracle for something like that to happen...

Kenny Mah said...

With war, ultimately everyone suffers... men, women, children... and the peace of heart of those spared its immediate pains.

Will pray for it to end and for peace to prevail.

Bergen said...

Negara Islam yang kaya sibuk dengan hal ehwal dunia. Pemimpin Islam yang kaya sibuk dengan pangkat dan kuasa. Umat Islam yang tak ada kuasa tak ada harta yang prihatin dengan penderitaan saudara kita di Palestin. Yang ada pada kita hanya doa' - senjata orang mukmin dan mukminat. Dengan doa' kita memohon Allah mempercepatkan pertolonganNya ke atas saudara kita di Palestin. Nak harap manusia, nampaknya tak ada harapan sebab semuanya kecut dengan Israel.

Thank you for this post, Kak Teh. First thing in the morning is good for us to think about our brothers and sisters in Palestine. Thank you, ma'am.

NanaDJ said...

Kak Teh,
No words to describe the despicable acts! Our heart bleed and cry, and there is this feeling of helplessness! We can only doa for the parents who lost their children and for others who suffer the cruelties of the Israelis. Can't the Arabs and the Muslim world do something?

Justiffa said...

KT - praying is about the only thing i can do :(

Yup lets all pray for peace and an end to these mindless killings.

pugly said...

I think we should stop relying solely on others to deal with the issue. Instead of waiting for the US & UN to do something about it, why can't the Muslim countries, especially the Middle-East 'superpowers' join forces & put an end to this? I mean, surely Israel can't be that powerful. Some of the Muslim countries are much, much bigger than Israel. Ini semua a matter of 'hendak seribu daya, tak hendak seribu dalih'.

jabishah said...

Kak Teh,

It is really a tragic watching the news lately. Praying hard things will eventually be fairer for the Palestines.

mamasita said...

May Allah punish this cruel Zionist regime for their atrocities and evil acts.
We can only doa and protest.The Arab countries who are supposedly the leaders of the Muslim world are helpless,what more us.
Meanwhile,the butchery continues.
Wonder what made Hitler decide to kill off as many Jews as possible.Could he in his madness foresaw this?Remember cerita 'The Omen'?

Mulan said...

gaza invaded...!! arrghh, sakit jiwa..!!! geram, geram..!!

tireless mom said...

Dear Kak Teh

Will the war ever stop? What has happened to the mankind? A cruel start to the new year.

Tie said...

Moga2 kita dapat temui kedamaian itu..

Kama At-Tarawis said...

Ya Allah Kak Teh.. we didn't even know what was happening to the world until we got back today.. I feel so very sad and outraged at the same time..

Kak Teh said...

Danial Ma, I wish I had gone but there'll be more marches. I have been quite ill actually. Woke up to a sheet of snow outside - alas , it has melted.

Ezza, semua perasaan ada - hampa dan kecewa tak tau apa yang kita boleh buat kecuali berdoa.

Kak Teh said...

jaflam - i just couldnt believe how openly the americans are supporting this and the silence from Obama is deafening!

Mrs N, a miracle, a doa - by all of us. Allah will hear our prayers, Insyaallah.

Kak Teh said...

Kenny, Let's pray to the end of sufferings - and bring on peace. Why cant people live peacefuly together?

Bergen, kak teh tak sanggup nak tengok berita lagi tapi kalau kita tak tengok, macam kita upa penderitaan orang2 di sana. Kita ingat dalam doa - selain daripada berhenti perang - kita doakan dunia Islam bersatu.

Kak Teh said...

NanaDJ, thank you!! am glad to see you here. Last night, there was a piece of news about a child, who was asking for her mother - it was so heartbreaking!

Justiffa, yes, kita doa banyak-banyak supaya dihentikan pembunuhan ini. Insayaallah.

Kak Teh said...

Pugs, sungguh bongkak pihak Israel ni - setiap kali kak teh dengar jawapan yang diberi oleh jurucakap Israel - sungguhlah bongkak - macam nyawa tak ada harga. Dunia Islam - bila nak bersatu?

Jabishah , we are glued to the tv - speechless.

Kak Teh said...

mamasita - rasanya dah banyak kali kita laungkan - mana dunia Islam, dunia arab?

Mulan, bila kak teh dengar depa dah masuk Gaza - tak akan selamat kanak-kanak dan kaum wanita . Peluru mereka tak kenal siapa.

Kak Teh said...

TM, the israelis have promised that this will be a long drawnout war. More casualties are expected - certainly I hope no children and women - innocent ones.

Tie , Insyaallah.

Kama, Welcome back - you've been missed. Sad and then - outrage. and now it is outrage that is mounting.

Pi Bani said...

Why can't we all just live in peace and harmony? Nampak sangatlah the double standards practised by the leaders of the so-called democratic country who think the world belongs to them! Menyakitkan hati sungguh!!

Argus Lou said...

When will humans learn that killing and fighting will never solve anything? Have we really evolved much from our cave-man days?

Chahya said...

Help them, we must!

MERCY Malaysia CIMB Ac: 1424-0006561-05-3
(Tabung Bersamamu Palestin) Jemaah Islah Malaysia MAYBANK Ac: 562209608847

Unknown said...

Kak Teh,

Everyday I avert my eyes from the pictures on tv and papers of the children killed, not because of wanting to be ignorant but cause it causes a lot of pain to see reality. Oh we so much want to protect children of the world... but we are failing.

ray said...

Komen Pak Malim kucing ray yg alim.

Saya ada seorang kawan yg berkahwin dengan seorang Arab dan tinggal di Semenanjung Gaza selama 10 tahun. Baru2 ni suami kawan saya meninggal (kerana sakit) dan kawan saya pulang ke Malaysia dgn 2 orang anak kacukan Arab yg sangat comel, kata Pak Malim sambil mengomel. Ditanya apa perasaan anak2 ini apabila pertama kali menjejakkan kaki di Malaysia, mereka berkata, mereka sangat gembira dan selesa di sini. Yang berumur 10 tahun berkata, 'Malaysia has got fresh water and electricity'. Di Semenanjung Gaza mereka sentiasa hidup dlm ketakutan dan kesusahan, kata Pak Malim sambil berpaut atas dahan.

Kak Teh said...

Pi Bani, double standards is everywhere. Kita pun kadang2 dok ketuk AS then, tak semena-mena masuk McDonald, starbucks etc..lebih baik kita jangan dah la ni.

Argus , it seems not. May be we are going backwards.

chahya, thanks for the contact number.

Kak Teh said...

aida, I know what you mean. after a while we cannot take in anymore - I felt like that when I saw pictures of children being carried away. But we can switch off the tv, in our minds the images live on. and for them, the suffering goes on. what do we do?

Kak Teh said...

Pak Malim, kesian anak yang tak pernah tengok fresh water dan electricity, keluh kak teh yang bersedih di dalam hati, tapi dia orang lebih nasib baik sekarang, berbanding yang ada di sana dan jadi korban perang, kata kak teh tengok gaza sedang diserang. Kita hanya mampu doa semoga tamat persengkitaan, harap kak teh sambil berkata, Insyaallah mudah-mudahan.

Unknown said...

Kak Teh and fellow blog readers,

Like you all, I am outraged by the inhuman butchery being carried out. Something has to be done before more innocent victims suffer.

My heart bleeds when I see how young children, women, men and the elderly go through such uncalled for ordeals...

Sadly, I think Mrs Nordin is right. It'll take a miracle for them to stop and that is why all the more we must pray for peace....


chinta said...

kak teh, how are you? sedih tngok mayat baby yg tak bersalah, rasa nak pegi letup jek israel tu...

Kak Teh said...

Paula, the world is waiting for US to do something - but that seems a long time coming. So, other than that - apart from an eye for an eye, which I dont think will help matters, we can just pray for peace, for an end to the killing - both sides must listen as the innocent ones are dying.

chinta, memang sedih, tapi keganasan lawan keganasan - akan mengakibatkan lebih banyak keganasan.

DrSam said...


sudah termaktub mereka bangsa yang dilaknati. Kita hanya mampu berdoa dan menunggu hari pembalasan yang dijanjikan itu akan tiba jua.

Kak Teh said...

Dr Sam, terima kasih kerana membuat lawatan balas - Insyaallah kita doakan saja.

Salt N Turmeric said...

Its hard for me to watch the news here since everything is very much downplayed by the media. Even on abc7 news at 11am just now, they were saying that out of 600 total Palestinian death, 1/4 was civilian when the AP, reuters and everybody else stated that 1/2 or at least 1/2 are civilian.

Not to mention all those interviews with Israelis and their gov. Not even 1 interview from the other side. And yet Malaysian keeps saying the news here in the US is fair. Fair my ass! On top of that, all the US officials are on the Israelis side. It's like they don't see those dead bodies of the children.

Kak Teh said...

Farina, you;d think that in this day and age, we'd be able to get both sides of the story - but no. Thank God, we can also watch Al Jazeera and once in a while BBC - no way we can watch CNN or Fox.
I cant stand the arrogance of the israeli spokesperson.

Unknown said...

"Ya allah ya tuhanku, tuhan yang telah menjadikan seluruh alam ini.Allah yang maha pengasih lagi maha penyayang.
Engkau selamatkanlah sahabat-sahabat kami di bumi Palestin yang sedang dibunuh oleh tentera-tentera Yahudi Israel.
Engkau selamatkanlah ibu-ibu dan anak-anak yang tidak berdosa dari kekejaman Yahudi ini ya Allah.
Ya Allah ya tuhan kami, engkau satukanlah seluruh umat Islam di muka bumimu ini. Jauhkan lah kami dari perpecahan, hasad dengki, fitnah, tamakhaloba, sifat angkuh dan semua sifat-sfat yang dikeji oleh mu ya Allah.
Ya Allah ya tuhan kami, engkau kurnikanlah kami iman, sifat-sifat kasih sayang,sifat-sifat pemurah, ilmu yang tinggi,tidak angkuh dan sifat-sifat yang mulia di sisimu ya Allah.
Kami sedar ya Allah, kami telah melakukan banyak dosa kepada mu, kamai lalai dengan suruhanmu ampunkanlah segala dosa kami ya Allah.
Sesungguhnya Ya Allah kepadamu sahaja kami meminta dan kepadamu jua kami menyerah.
Amin,amin, amin ya rabbal alaminnnn".

Pak Zawi said...

Kak Teh,
Thank you for providing the avenue for us to pour our outrage against the world's greatest Terrorist called Israel fully backed by the mother of all terrorist by the name of BUSH. At such a time how I wish we could do a Hiroshima on Tel Aviv, but that will involve many innocent civilains too.

Kak Teh said...

Mummy Rokiah, Amin! AMin.

Zawi, the world awaits USA, Obama - sampai bila lagi?

fazemy said...

Sampai bila kekejaman ni akan berakhir? Takde dh nilai kemanusiaan dlm diorg israel laknatullah tu. hanya yg mampu kita lakukan..berdoa dari kejauhan..Ya Allah, selamatkan bumi palestin.

Kak Teh said...

Fazemy, Insyaallah, kita tak boleh putus harapan dan terus berdoa bagi keamanan dan berahirnya persengketaan ini.

Ida Hariati Hashim said...

Salam Kak Teh,

Someone asked why didn't Hitler kill all these Jews during WWI. Tu la, I believe he wanted to but, Jews sympathizers are all over the globe. We have been programmed to believe the greatest hoax of human history, that millions of these Jews were butchered, sent to poisonous gas chambers in the concentration camps.

Pro-Zionist would say, that they have been victimized long ago so now what they are doing to Palestine is just to protect them from being harmed again. But this is not a fair war (US's golden child versus a millitia).

When you have the time, pay a visit to one of the Jewish concentration camps. I have been to Auschwitz Camp in Poland to witness the fabricated tale the Jews have been telling the world....

Kak Teh said...

Ida I believe we are not allowed to question this. It tantamounts to being politically incorrect now - hmm, anyway , suddenly on BBC 2 there is a repeat of the programme Diary of Anne Frank.